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The bus was amazing Zayden had a bunk, me and Ashley had a bunk and Jinxx and Alice had a bunk. Ashlynn slept in a small crib by my bunk. While the boys toured I took this time to work on new music. Out of all the guys girlfriends I was probably closest to Juliet or Alice. I was on my computer when I heard a thud then a scream. I gasped "Zayden!!!" I ran to the back of the bus and picked him up. "Are you ok buddy?" I asked rubbing his head.
"Momma, my head hurts," he said "and I'm sleepy"
"Ok, I'll get some ice for your head but don't go to sleep, ok"
"Ok momma"
I got ice and put it in a ziplock bag and placed it on his head then I gave him a glass of soda. "Here, drink this, and don't go to sleep"
(Jenna and Ashley's phone call)
Jenna-hey love can you come to the bus
I don't know baby, we're busy
Ashley, Zayden fell and hit his head, I wanna take him to the hospital
I'll be there in a second
It seemed like only a second later when all 5 boys barged into the bus. "Is he ok?" Ashley asked.
"I don't know,"
"Come on let's go I'll drive," ash said picking Zayden up
I took Ashlynn in my arms and put her in her carseat in the car and Ashley drove to the hospital.
**1 hour later**
Ashley and I were waiting on test results. Jake took Ashlynn back to the bus and the rest of the guys left. The doctors came into Zayden's room. "Hi I'm Dr. Peterson and I have some good news and some bad news," he said. I hugged Ashley tightly while holding my son's hand. "The good news is he'll be fine and you took the right precautions by not letting him fall asleep,"
"And the bad news," ash said rather annoyed.
"The bad news is I couldn't use the stitches that dissolve so be had to come back and get them removed."
"We live in L.A. and we're currently touring so we may not even be in the country by then," I said
"Well, you could take them out yourself it wouldn't be hard," the doctor explained how we could take the stitches out.
"Alright, thanks doctor," I said and turned to Ashley "I'm going to stay the night with him here, you go to the.bus and stay with Ashlynn she needs her daddy,"
"Ok, I'll bring you some clothes tomorrow morning, bye babe love you," he said kissing me. "Bye Zay sleep well," he kissed Zaydens forehead and left. Well touring had so far been interesting, I just hope this is the.first and only hospital trip

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