Home with Ashlynn

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"Come in babe, let me try again she doesn't want the bottle," I begged Ashley. "Jenna, its 3 a.m. go to bed I'll feed her a bottle if you keep breastfeeding her she's never gonna learn," he replied. "Ash, she's 8 days old she still needs me to feed her," I said. "Fine Jenna try but it didn't calm her down 5 mins ago." He said handing me Ashlynn. I went back to our room covered up and fed our daughter. See told you". I said. Ashley sat next to me. "I can't do anything right, I'm an awful father, jenna I don't know how you know her different cries," Ashley said. I put Ashlynn in Ashley's arms after I fed her. "Look at her, she's beautiful. Your not an awful father your just new. Remember I've done this before you haven't so its ok. Now burp her please." I said. Ashley burped her and then looked at his sleeping daughter in his arms. "She isn't dating till she's 30 and that's final," he said. I laughed "babe your crazy, my dad said the same thing and I was 15 when I had my first boyfriend," I said. "I'm gonna put our princess to bed, I'll be back," and with that he went out of the room. I opened Twitter andi decided to actually post so.ething since I havent posted anything since I had Ashlynn. "Hey everyone just wanted to say sorry for not posting lately #purdybaby keeps me pretty busy these days" I looked through Twitter till Ash came back. "So, baby purdy hashtag is pretty big on Twitter," I said. "That's what I've seen the past few days," he replied. "Come on get some sleep you look exhausted daddy," I told him. He layed down beside me and was out before I could say another word. Then shortly after I fell asleep too. Only until 6 a.m. when Ashlynn insisted on getting up for the day

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