Kyle and Mimi

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Kyle's POV
"Alright Bailey, I'm going to tell what happened with Jenna, but it stays between me and you"
"Fine, just tell me,"
"Well, I fell in the love with her and we dated till she moved she moved at 15 almost 16 and promised to come back and never did. When she found out about your mom and me, I think she was hurt so its partly my fault she never came back, but she met other guys as well. She went through guys faster than anyone. Anyway, now shes back with her own family and I think I still love her."
Bailey sighed "you love her more than mom, huh"
"No, Bailey I love your mom but just as your mom nothing special because she cheated on me that's why we broke up. I love them in different ways that's all,"
"So, you still love Jenna, right"
"I guess so Bailey, but she has someone who can love and support her. I work on a ranch, I couldn't give her the life he can whoever she's with I don't even know him."
"Look dad, I've known you all 11 years of my life and I know you bery well. Lets go get your girl," Bailey said
"No Bailey, let her come to me she's happy I don't want to break up her family." Even though I said no I had a feeling she was going to work out a plan.

**Jennas POV**
I was so excited to see my grandma and my parents I really missed then and so does Zayden. Ashlynn doesn't really know my parents that well because most of her life she's been on a tour bus. I drove everyone to my grandma's farm and took a deep breath. This is the first time I've been here since my grandpa died. We took the kids out and walked to the front door and my mom opened it. " Jenna, I'm so glad y'all made it save and sound," she said. I just smiled and walked in. "Well, well, well if it isn't miss. I'm a rock star," a familiar voice said.
"Mimi!!" I said and hugged her
"Now, introduce me to these fine fine boys you've brought with you."
I giggled, "well, this is Ashley, my boyfriend, Andy, Jinxx, Jake, and CC." I said pointing to each of them
"Very nice Jenna, who's the baby?"
"Mimi, this is your great granddaughter Ashlynn Ryan Purdy"
"She's beautiful Jenna just like you,"
"Thanks grandma," I said. We all sat down for dinner when the devil herself came Julia, my big sister.
"Hey Jeanette, how's California," she asked in her fake nice voice.
"Fine," I growled not even looking at her.
The reason I hate my sister is because she's jealous that I have a music career, and because I didn't get married and have kids as fast as she did. I ignored her everytime I came home. I would go see her kids but we never spoke.
"Well, Jenna good luck with your pretend career and life." She said
"Julia, enough, just leave now please," my dad said. She glared at me then Left. I just played with my food I wasn't hungry after all that. I just wish we could get along sometimes but that'll never happen

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