Guilt is taking over

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Ashley seemed like something was bothering him. I just pushed everything to the back of my mind because I had 2 kids to take care of. I really wanted to go home, and thankfully our next show was in Nashville, Tennessee my home.
"So, anything special planned for Nashville, we will be there a few days." Andy asked
"Well, my grandma wants to meet Ashley and Ashlynn so I'm going to see her, I wanna visit my grandpa's grave and maybe take the kids to the zoo" I replied.
"Zoo!?!?!" I wanna gooooo" CC shouted
I giggled "we'll make it a family affair then" I said.
**later that night**
Ashley put Ashlynn to bed for me and I put Zayden to bed. I read him a story then.tucked him in and went to my bunk. It was hot on the bus so I slept in Ashley's t-shirt and my underwear. I layed there and Ashley's phone buzzed so I checked it there was a text from a girl it read "I miss talking with you I wanna see you soon, text me when you can xoxo" it made me sad because I thought he loved me. He got into the bunk and noticed I was upset.
"Babe, we need to talk" he said
"I know, I found the text on your phone"
"Jenna, I don't know why I did that our was so stupid, I just wish I could take it back, please forgive me"
"Ash, of course I'll forgive you, but I'm going to have a hard time trusting you for awhile,"
"I understand baby, I really do, can I kiss you"
"Never ask that again," I said kissing him. I felt better knowing he was honest but I wasn't completely trusting him again for awhile. After we kissed we watched a movie my favorite movie The Nightmare Before Christmas. He held me in his arms all night. I felt so safe and so comfortable with him. Feeling all these feelings gave me inspiration till write my thank yous for the album.
Jenna would like to thank......
My parents for always supporting me in everything I do
My fans for always supporting the band and for coming out to shows y'all are the reason I do what I do
My family for helping my parents raise me around music
My friends for always giving me new song ideas
My band for playing music so I can sing
My kids for being the perfect angles you are, you two own my heart I love you too the moon and back
And last but not least to the man if my dreams, my partner in crime, my saviour, my outlaw, the love of my life Ashley thanks for everything I love you so much
Xoxoxo love,
I kissed Ashley and then layed my head on his chest. Even though everything was perfect, I still couldn't wait to go home. I couldn't wait to show Ashley my home three beautiful city if Nashville I just couldn't wait......

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