Family and Tennessee

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I woke up the next morning and walked out of the bus I took a breath of fresh air. Aw the Tennessee air I loved it I was officially home. "Momma, what are you doin out here," I.turned to see a sleepy Zayden standing on the steps.
"I am enjoying the Tennessee air." I picked him up and carried him inside. "Let's make breakfast," I said setting him on the counter. We made breakfast for all the guys and all of us ate together like a big happy family. The next hour was busy. We checked into a hotel then got 3 rental cars. We went to this sandwich shop for lunch we were all sitting around eating when I heard my name. "J-jenna," a voice said I turned around to find my best friend Kyle.
"Kyle!! What are you doing here it's been so long," I said hugging him
"Yeah, I know. I usually keep up with you through magazines,"
"Kyle, its been 10 years since we've seen each other let's not make it sad. So, what's new."
Well," he was interrupted by a girl with red hair and green eyes like him. "Dad, come on I'm starving! Wait, your Jenna, Jenna Rullan right!?!?!,"
"Uh, yeah, its nice to meet you.."
"Oh, I'm Bailey, and this is my dad, Kyle."
"I know, this was my best friend in high school until I moved to L.A.,"
"Wait, dad, your friends with my favorite singer and NEVER told me!?!?!?!"
"Bailey, its a difficult situation I'll explain later,"
"Why don't y'all join us at Mimi's house tonight, I know she'd love seeing you again. I said.
"Ugh, fine Nickol but we need to talk at some point tonight" Kyle said. I nodded and sat back down with the.guys
"Nickol? What the heck does THAT mean," Jake asked
"That's what they call me here," I replied. I know I have to tell Ashley about Kyle or tonight is going to be super awkward.

-later that day at the hotel-
I layed the kids down for a nap and sat in mine and Ash's bed. "Everything ok Jenna," be asked.
"I wanna tell you about Kyle,"
Jenna, be my girlfriend? Kyle asked.
"Of course," I giggled
"Be my first and my only," he said rubbing my thigh.
"Of course I will," I said kissing him.
2 weeks later
" Kyle, we're moving I'm moving to L.A.,"
"No, they can't take you,"
"Yeah, they can I'm 15"
"Promise me you'll come back when you're 18"
"I promise, Kyle"
**end of flashback**
"I told him I'd come back and we'd get married and have a family, and by the looks of it he started without me because I never came back for him"
"Well, why didn't you go back.2 years later?" Ashley asked
"Well, a few weeks after I got to L.A. I met my boyfriend Kellan and he was older than me so he controlled me and led me to do drugs and stuff. Then I met Ryan, Zayden's dad, and all the craziness happened with him so I focused on Zayden and my career. I was planning on coming back, but then I met you and wanted you more than anything."
"Wow, Jenna your life is crazy, but I," he said kissing me
"Thanks love, I love your crazy life too,"
Kyle has something to tell me but what is it is it good or bad I don't know, but I guess I'll find out at grandma's tonight

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