Tombstones and teething

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Ashley told me about Mimi's gift. I had to accept or she'd be upset so I just let it be. Ashley said it was for the wedding or bills so we used it for bills. My mom and dad had the kids today and that's why I decided to go see my grandpa's grave. Ashley was coming for support I drove the cemetery and walked to the tombstone with Ashley behind me. I sat by the tombstone and told my grandpa everything. I told him about Ashlynn and how I was getting married. "I just wish you were here" I said with tears streaming down my face. At this point Ashley was holding me while I sobbed.
"Its ok Jenna everything is going to be ok," he said.
"I just miss him, I can't believe he's gone,"
"I know I know," he continued to hold me. After about 45 minutes we left and drove back to the motel. I couldn't believe that what used to be home was now this place that brought me such pain. I want to go home. Fortunately tomorrow is the last show. Then everything will settle back down. That night I stayed in the motel and skipped the show because Ashlynn had a fever due to her new teeth coming in. Zayden was already asleep. I looked at the time on my phone 11:58 p.m. I also had a message it read
"Hey Jenna, I'm on my way home I know it's late I'm sorry but I'm in my way." I received this text at 11:56 so I set my phone down and looked at my daughter wide awake in my arms. "Where's your daddy, baby girl, I'd really like to see him" I told her. Seconds later Ash walked in.
"There's my girls," he said quietly. "Zay couldn't wait for me huh" I chucked
"Nope, but he tried."
Ash stripped down to his boxers and layed down putting Ashlynn on his chest. "I'm ready to go home after today, it was rough with a teething baby and my grandpa's grave."
"I know Jenna tomorrow we fly home and we'll be there a while this time I promise."
I kissed him and then we fell asleep. I was at peace knowing home wasn't so far away after all.

*****authors note*****
So, BIG announcement. I well be doing a sequel to this. It will be when Ashlynn is a teen. I don't know when I'll start it but I'll get more details soon

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