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**6 months later**
Right after my 26th birthday we found out we were having a girl. Now I only have 4 weeks left until my due date and I'm ready for her to come out already. Zayden was hanging out with Andy and Juliet today so Ash and I finished the nursery, we put her sheets on the crib, put together a swing we bought for her and packed a bag for the hospital. I was exhausted when we finished so I took a nap in our room. I woke up to the sound of Ashley trying on his laptop. I rolled over and faced him. "I'm sorry did I wake you," he asked. "No, what are you doing on the laptop," I asked. "Looking at baby names since we keep fighting about it," he said. See I want to name her Penelope and Ash wants to name her Nickol (my middle name). "How'd you come up with Zayden's name its pretty unique," he asked. "Well, I liked the name Zayn and the name Aden but I didn't like them alone so my best friend came up with Zayden. And his middle name I got from a baby book, and Exton just sounded cool.".I replied. "What about Ashlynn, that's a cute name," he said. "Ashlynn Purdy I like it a lot," I replied as I sat up in bed. Ashley put his laptop away and rubbed my stomach. "Hey Ash, its your daddy, we have the same nickname. I just wanted to say me your mommy and brother all love you very much and we wanna meet you soon." "Ashley, she's moving" I said pushing his hand down on my stomach so he could feel "she loves her daddy's voice" I said. Ashley just smiled and kissed me. Andy called Ashley to say that he's in his way with Zayden. Once we got Zayden we ate dinner played games watched a movie then Zayden was asleep. Ashley carried him to his room and A.J. was already on his bed waiting for him. After we put Zayden to bed we went and layed down and watched a movie. I held my stomach "ow, babe, I have a sharp pain in my stomach," I told him. "Do you think it's time," he asked. "No, I don't think so," I said going to the bathroom. When I came out Ashley just looked at me "everything ok?" He asked. "My water broke, I was wrong its time," I replied. Ashley got out of bed and I could tell he was panicing but trying to hide it. "I called the guys they're gonna meet us there," he said. We grabbed the hospital bag and Zayden then went to the hospital.
**at the hospital**
**Ashley's POV**
Give me Zayden you stay with Jenna" Jinxx said taking Zayden who was still sleeping. I went into Jenna's room I could tell she was in a lot of pain. The doctors came in and said that it was time to have the baby. I honestly don't know how Jenna could be so strong with 3 pushes Ashlynn Ryan Purdy was born. After they cleaned get up Jenna and I held our daughter. She was so beautiful and had a head full of dark brown hair, her eyes were brown like Jenna's. I can't believe that Jenna and I made her she's so perfect. Everyone came in and awed at Ashlynn. Zayden held her for a long time with the help of his mom of course. I smiled and took a picture if the three of them and posted it. "Ashlynn Ryan Purdy was born on December 6, at 1:42 am #babypurdy." I put my phone away and sat with Jenna. I loved my life, my wife, my kids, my dog, everything was perfect. Absolutely everything

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