The magazine

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Ashley and I got to rehearsal before everyone else so we just started writing songs and playing music. After a while Andy came running in "oh, hey Ash hey Jenna" he said. "Hey Andy," we said at the same time. Slowly one by one his band members got there and then my band members got there. Once everyone was there we started rehearsing after about an hour or so my manager came in and threw a magazine on the table in front of me and she looked mad "Care to explain this," she asked. I picked it up and there was a picture of me and Ashley kissing on the cover. Well, that secret didn't last long. "So, I have a boyfriend now what's the big deal?" I asked. "The big deal is that your getting death threats on Twitter because of jealous fans. That's the big deal," she said. I checked Twitter and sure enough lots of ugly messages from "fans." I didn't really know what to do or say so I just ignored all the hate. And hopefully it would go away.
**2 weeks later**
Tour was about to start and our first show is tomorrow. Over the past few weeks I've gotten really close to Andy and Jinxx and its nice to be friends with them since we were going to be around each other all summer. All the hate slowly went away after Ashley went on Twitter and explained he was happy. Everything is going great, but it may not stay that way because tonight I'm meeting the other girlfriends.

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