The date with Zayden

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I woke up the next morning with a text from Ashley it read "Good morning beautiful. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?" I replied "I'll have Zayden with me its Saturday he doesn't have school." Ashley texted back instantly "ok, I'll come get you two at 1:00." I just replied ok and went to wake up Zayden. "Hey buddy, do you want to hang out with one of my friends today?" I asked. "Sure, but can we eat breakfast first?" He asked. "Of course come on" I said we went to the kitchen and my mom was already making breakfast. "How was your date?" My mom asked "good, I really like him and he's gonna meet Zayden today." "Well, I just hope he doesn't screw it up because he's hurting you and Zayden" she said. She did have a point but I trust him. It was already noon once I got done feeting Zayden giving him a bath and showing. I got Zayden dressed in a white t-shirt with a blue plaid shirt over it and some nice jeans. I wore a low cut tank top and some shorts with my black converse. The doorbell rang right after I got dressed. My mom had already answered it once I got downstairs. "I'm Jennifer, jenna's mom nice to meet you Ashley." She said. "Nice to meet you too" he said. "Ready? I asked. "Yeah, if you are," he replied. I picked Zayden up and we walked outside. "Do you wanna take my truck since it has. Zayden's car seat?" I asked. "That's fine with me," Ashley said. We got into my truck and I drove to a park. Once we were there me and Ashley played with Zayden. When I watched Ashley play with Zayden I knew in that moment that I was falling in love.

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