The days after

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It's been 3 days since the funeral and I'm back on tour. Zayden stayed in Nashville with my patents. I've been sleeping in Ashley's bunk because I can't sleep if he isn't there. He's helping me through this very rough time and I'm very thankful. I just wish the pain would go away. Today we are in Miami, I've always loved Miami. "Come on Jenna lets go," Ashley said. "Where are we going my love," I asked. "To the beach so put on a swim suit," he replied. I put on my purple and black bikini and some shorts with one of Ash's t-shirts over it. We had a lot of fun at the beach but I was starting to miss my son but everytime I called he wanted to stay with my parents. Its almost been 3 months since me and Ash have been together and he's taking me out tomorrow to celebrate and he said he had a huge surprise but wouldn't even give me a hint as to what it was. And Jinxx knows what it is but he won't tell me. I bought Ash some cologne and new t-shirts. He said I didn't have to get him anything but I did anyways. Juliet was visiting Andy and wants me to go dress shopping for my date so we bought a black leather cocktail dress. I really was happy about it I just hope Ashley likes it.
**The next day**
Ashley and I had our dinner and now we were strolling hand and hand on the beach. He stopped and held me in his arms. "So, I was wondering what you were going to be doing for the next 50 or so years" he asked so casually. "What are you talking about Purdy?" I asked. He got down on I've knee "Jenna, will you marry me?" He asked holding a beautiful black ring with purple diamonds. I took a deep breath and told him my answer. "Ashley,.......

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