Zayden's birthday.

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Its June 26th Zayden's birthday we already had his party last weekend with the guys and my family, but today me and Ash plan to make his birthday special. Ash was helping me make Zayden his breakfast and I placed 3 nearly wrapped gifts on the table. I made Zayden bacon and blue blueberry pancakes with a cup of fruit by fruit I mean pineapple and like 2 grapes. Then me and Ash got dressed in just t-shirts and jeans I wore my black converse but he wore his cowboy boots. I threw my hair in a messy bun and went to Zayden's room where him and A.J. were sleeping. "Hey son, wanna wake up its your birthday," I.asked him. Zayden rubbed his eyes and sat up in bed. "Its too early momma," he said. "Its almost ten buddy," Ashley said. Zayden got out of bed and A.J. followed the 3 of us to the kitchen table where Zayden sat down and my phone buzzed. It was a face time request so I accepted. "Hey Jenna, is the birthday boy around," Andy asked. I nodded and handed the phone to Zayden and him and Andy just talked and talked. Zayden and Andy had a pretty cool relationship. The guys were like his uncles.
Once Zayden got off the phone and got done with breakfast me and Ash have him his gifts. A remote control car, more video games and a few clothes. Then Zayden wanted to go to the beach so we took him there, then to Target (his favorite store), then we went to the park and let him play. By the time all this was over it was time to meet the boys for Zay's birthday dinner. When we got to the restaurant Zayden ran and gave everyone a hug in this order. Andy, Juliet, Ella, Jake, Jinxx, Alice, Cc, Lauren. We all ate dinner got deserts then we had one last present for Zayden. I gave a box wrapped in super hero paper. No one knew about this gift everyone watched closely as he opened it. He first pulled out a small rubber duck, then a little blanket, then a bottle, then a pacifier, then a picture frame with a picture in it. Everyone looked at Ashley and me in shock. "What's all this for?" He asked. "Its for the new baby," Ashley said putting his hand on my stomach. All the girls squealed and the boys clapped. "You're gonna be a big brother," I told him. Zayden just smiled really big and hugged me. "When will it get here," he asked. "In about 7 and a half months," I answered. "That's too long momma I want it now," I just giggled at Zay's comment. I think.we just made him the happiest 6 year old ever, and its only the beginning.

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