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Though I have zero recollection on the contents of the game, based on my knowledge from reading all sorts of books and novels in my previous life I could draw out a very generic plotline out of those people around my ex fiance. 

If I, Eve Arshart, was the so called villainess and the main love interest was my ex fiance, Prince Cazis Noval, then surely the woman he falls for and marries will surely be the heroine.
That was the key point.

And guess what? There was someone who actually fulfilled all the traits required to be "That" heroine found in most otome games.

Mary Luna.

She has breathtaking eyes that evokes the desire in men to protect her. She possess a face that could make men blush like potatoes. Oops... I mean tomatoes.

Plus point. She was the childhood friend of the prince. Wow. What a surprise huh. Childhood friends usually don't win.

My stakes on her as the heroine was high.

As for the love interests, if she was the heroine then guessing them out wasn't hard either.

One was that player knight from S class. He was called Rigur something.
I have seen him talk to the prince several times.

The next love interest should be Venir Hazt. I remember his name because he always goes around doing patrols, his hawk like eyes scanning for students dressed in improper ways and if he sees and catches you, he will make you copy down thousands of pages as punishment.

My friend went through that hell once so that was engraved in my memory.

Mavkey Lanchis was probably the next love interest. He was the prodigy of our school. So it was hard to not remember.

There were more men of power flocking around Mary Luna that have all the qualifications required to be the love interest in an otome game.

The rowdy type, the crown prince, the knight, the prodigy guy, the fuck boy type, the cold and mysterious type. That's how most harem tropes are.

Coming back to my engagement, it was pre arrenged by our parents when we were ten. Had I recalled my memory about that game I would have never let it happen in the first place.

Like any typical villainess isekai trope, i had to recall that damn game memory right after i entered the academy.
Thankfully although this world was based on that game, it wasn't controlled by its rigid rules.

To test out the rules I made my plan to annual our engagement. First, I waited for prince Cazis to develop feelings for Luna. When that happened I sat down with him over a cup of tea.
Man got convinced pretty easily. I thought his crooked personality would not allow him to do so.

Then I sat down with my parents and told them about my thoughts on our engagement. While on the other side, Prince Cazis took the duty of convincing his parents.

Then we all met up. And boom! It was cancelled. Just like that.

No shit like where, if you call off your engagement, the prince suddenly takes an interest in you happened. Neither did I had to fake a contractual marriage with a powerful Duke or whatever, which later becomes a plot device.

It was done in a mutual and the most patient way.

And now, I was single again.

Phew!! Good luck to Mary for dealing with that crooked prince.

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