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"My Lady, Please be careful!" I heard Livi yell right behind me.

I sighed. "Yes, i will be careful." I got on the flying carriage. Then I helped her up. We took our luggages from Lucy as she got up as well.

"Master Arshart asked me to remind my lady to write them back." Livi spoke again. She helped me down my seat. Then both of them sat on my side.

"I will. Once we reach the south." Starting today we were travelling to the south of the continent.
Once I graduate from the Academy, I had told my parents that I want to look after the estate of Arshart in the Southern region. This was one of my bargaining chips I proposed to them, that, if i prove myself worthy of the estate, then they will allow me to take care of it, given that my engagement was called off, and all the profits would be ours.
And while I go along the way, i will take my time sight seeing.

My departure was actually done abruptly. I didn't even had the time to write my girls about me leaving to the south.
The reason was obviously the imperial family, who wanted to be my matchmaker. They were really bent on making me the second prince's fiance. Of course our family can reject it and infact my parents have been refusing any call from the royal palace.
Hence, it was decided that I would leave for the south, where, i would stay for a few months before the thing with the second prince is completely taken care of.

If i succeed then I will probably stay in the south for a couple of years. I wanted to make money of my own.

Now coming back to sight seeing, I took Livi and Lucy to lots of places. Our journey was supposed to last for a month and a half but it ended up stretching to two months.
On the first week of the third month we finally arrived at the gateway of the southern region.

"My Lady, we are finally here." Both Lucy and Livi looked tired and relieved because we were finally here.

"Indeed." I chuckled. I figured they were both hungry so we stopped by a fancy restaurant.

"Its my treat. Order whatever you want." I checked the menu so i noticed that there were lots of unknown dishes that I wanted to try out.

Both Livi and Lucy grinned, meaning that they won't hold back.

In a few minutes our table was filled with plates. With happy faces we began to fill our hunger.
There were also some cold beverages on the menu so i was about to call for the waiter when I saw someone familiar.

Our eyes met. He looked away and so did I.

"My Lady, eat these. Its so good." Livi offered a plate of jelly like something to me.

"~~Hmmmm~~" So tasty!!!

"Did you forget who I am just because your engagement was broken off?" 
Someone interrupted my sweet time with food.

I really wanted to ignore him like a pebble. But if i act that way it may arouse his curiousity which I do not want at all. Infact I don't want any kind of attention, either it be good or bad, from Mary's harem.

I smiled at him, hiding my displeasure. "Greetings Lord Rigur."
Ahhh... This fuckboy, can't he just go away now that I gave him some face.

He snorted at my response. "It seems you are not sincere with your greeting. Don't tell me you have a grudge on me just because your engagement was broken?"

Yes. Please fuck off.

"Lord Rigur, please do pardon us. When people are hungry its natural to pay more attention to our meals than our surroundings."
I was spewing nonsense because I did not want to exchange much words with him.

He rolled his eyes in silence. Then he turned around ready to walk away.
Just when I thought he had left, he looked back. Looking at Livi and Lucy, he remarked in a condensing tone.

"The servants of Arshart family has a lack of spine, daring to dine with their masters on the same table. It seems they are too lenient on their servants."

Both Livi and Lucy flinched at his words.

Wow. Now that was making me angry. I got up from my seat, disregarding the place we were in.
"Lord Rigur, I don't think it's none of your bussiness as to how my household treats our attendants. Just mind your own bussiness. Please."
I didn't even bother to smile at him courteously, the hidden meaning behind my words asking him to fuck off.

He looked stunt to even refute.

Well I didn't care. I sat down on my seat.
"No one has the right to insult my people like that. Don't pay any attention to what that man said."

Livi and Lucy had a wonderful smile on their faces. "My lady...."

She has always been like that.

Perhaps it was because of that Rigur guy that I didn't realise that a person that shouldn't be here was seated in the same restaurant we were in. 


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