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"What's happening?"

Terror took over the banquet as the guests began to panic as a result of the sudden shaking and tremors embracing the palace. Like herds of wild animals they all ran outside, running for their dear lives.


Suddenly the tremors stopped all of a sudden. This left the guests confused for a moment. It wasn't until they saw a thin layer of barrier above them did they realise that it was a protective barrier.

"Every one. Calm down." Emperor Lange accompanied by his wives and his children addressed the people. Calmly.
"It seems an unknown monster has appeared." He could feel it even from this distance. It was a dangerous and powerful creature whatever being it was.
"Elder Ed. Please guide these people to safety."

"Yes my emperor." Elder Ed immediately understood his duty. He gathered the other elders present in the banquet and took over the responsibilty of the guest's safety.

Just then, another powerful shockwave erupted from two different directions.

"Lourad and Linselt." Emperor Lange ordered his two sons. "You know what to do."

"Of course." Second prince Linselt  replied before he dashed off westwards with a group of knights.

As for Crown Prince Lourad he left for the east on his own.

Meanwhile Lucy, the queen and the royal concubine were accompanied by prince Ledrix as they went away with the guests.

As for the emperor himself, he ran off towards the direction that had caused the first commotion after he mobilized the imperial knights to do their best to protect the citizens.


A loud shrieking roar of a gigantic beasts echoed throughout the sky from three different directions. Following this, the apperance of a beast with large wings, huge body covered in scales paired with two slick horns caused even the emperor to think twice before his next move.

"Oh god. What kind of hideous monster is that?"

The people who witnessed the gigantic beasts soar up the sky couldn't help but tremble at its mere sight.

"Is that a dragon?" Emperor Lange thought to himself. Given the description of the extinct dragon beasts in history records, the features of the beasts before them matched the image perfectly.

The beasts fanged its huge mouth wide open, its jaws splitting apart as its inside lit up with a bright red colour.


A giant streak of fire ball packed with dangerous intent blasted through the space of the sky.


The screams of terror continued to echo through out the entire Kingdom.


Emperor Lange intercepted the powerful attack that could erase half of his kingdom. It was however a greater burden on his side because of the over bearing power he had clashed against. The dragon's breathe just now was not a joke.
He had so many questions. Like how did it suddenly appear out of no where?

The real horror though, was the fact that, the fire breathing beasts before them was infact not a dragon.
If Dia saw them she would knew that the beasts were definitely not dragons.



The very moment i felt that ominous feeling i hurried towards the origin of the commotion. It was very close to the magic tower. However the true horror was realised when I saw the magic tower already collapsed on the ground as a result of that shock wave.
The entire area around was trashed by the shockwaves from earlier.


My heart felt like it stopped beating.


No. No. No.


This can't be. No. This must not happen again.

I trashed through the huge pile of debris, looking, searching for that one person, desperately, holding onto a thin string, that she be still breathing.

Find her. Find her. Hurry.

Before it's too late. Find her.

My heart was in shambles. It was the most horrible feeling in the world. It was as if my ears went deaf to the chaos around me; my eyes bleeding blood.


I stopped in my tracks.

It felt like I was just given a death sentence and my head was chopped off. "No..... Oh god.....GOD!" I yelled in silence lifting up her body, which was limp and soft. Her head was covered in blood. My mana resonated with her soul but there was no response.

"N.... Oh no. Aunt... Please....." I didn't even realise when my eyes gave up to the pain that was being inflicted on my heart. The entire world went black on me this moment as I watched my aunt.... Aunt Rhiya lying breathless in my arms. Her beautiful self laying like a life less doll.


The window screen flashed before me.

"Divine Beasts intruders. Get rid of them."

"Ding. Mission:Get rid of the bugs."

"Ding. Complete the final mission. Warning."

Divine Beasts intruders? Bugs?

Damn it!


I smashed the screen causing it to buffer. This damn devil. It wouldn't even let me mourn at a time like this.


The sky lit up with a bright blue colour.

I looked up trough my teary eyes. And what greeted me was a flock of strange looking creatures descending from the blue light.

My tears stopped on their own unable to mourn properly due to the Mayhem unfolding at the moment.  Because I knew I had no time to mourn at the moment.
A group of dangerous looking beings were intruding this world. This could potentially destroy this world.
I closed my eyes, laying down my aunt. Draping her with my mana, i coated her body to keep it safe.

If you don't hurry, you will lose it all. Are you able to take this fall on you?

My dear niece, rise and shine. You are strong. I know that better than anyone.

When i closed my eyes, a new memory flooded my brain. The voice was different. The tone was different. But i knew that this person, this voice belonged to the aunt from that unknown memory.

An image of the girl with the same face as mine going on rampage, with hundred of dead bodies piled up underneath her feet flashed before me as if I was watching a movie.

Once i opened my eyes, i knew exactly what I had to do.

The emperor and his two sons were currently fighting the beasts that looked like dragons.

My job was to get rid of those divine Beasts being that were crowding the sky above. But....

I locked onto my target. That damn flying beast with horns.

You will pay for this!!

A rather dangerous mana was leaking from my body.

Ah? Is this what it feels to not hold back?

I then realised that I was in a rampage mode.

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