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"Which system agent is it this time, dear saintess?" He asked in the calmest voice that made it even more creepy. "I hope you won't disappoint me unlike the other previous agents."

I flinched in silence. As expected, he knew. He must be some sick psycho to enjoy those time loops over and over again all this time.

"Did you like the gift i left for you?"

I looked at him, extremely bothered by the way he looked at me, or rather, at this body.
"Was that necessary?" I asked him back.

Smiling like the creep he was he replied casually. "Yes. Since you were looking for that old woman."

Given the way he was responding I realised that talking won't bring about anything out of him. He was probably a psychotic killer on the loose who is lost in his status as the god of this world.

"You are calmer than i expected. Are you not curious at all?" He asked me wearing a sick amusing expression on him.

I scoffed inside. "You won't tell me. What's the need." I looked over at the Harem members. Lara was already dead.

"You casted a barrier to protect your people. But just so you know it won't be of any help."

That sentence totally put my attention back onto him. This scum.... Does he think of this as some kind of interesting toy to play with... Yeah that's probably what he sees it as.

"Fekhira." His lustful eyes sneered at me with a menacing glint. "When I am in front of you pay attention only to me."

I calmed myself down preparing to attack him with all I have got. The way he was talking one sidedly was annoying though.
I bolted at him, launching a massive spell beforehand in order to test his capabilities.

*Snow bell*

Three figures appeared in the pathway, tackling the spell, causing a loud magic explosion.

My stomach turned pale upon realising that one of them was Aunt Rihrara.
"Tsk." As expected of this scum. I knew it. Those deaths must have been his doing or else there was no way my people would betray me.

"Rihrara. Bring your dearest niece to me." He stood still giving orders. And at his command the three of them rushed towards me.

Damn. I hesitated for a moment but decided to knock them unconscious.
Arming my fist with the labyrinth spell, i punched them as hard as I could, with all my power, into their stomach.


Additionally i did not forget to seal their magic for the time being. With the impact of the spell, the three of them fell down, unconscious.

Just then the sky rumbled with loud roars as if a lion was roaring. And then i saw multiple gateways opening up. Thousands of void creatures began to descend from the gateway. All of them hideous and obscure.

"You!!" I looked at him in disgust. "So you like bullying the world you created just for some mere entertainment?" I shouted at him feeling enraged.
This world may be based on a fiction but the world itself is real at the moment.

He smirked at me. "What are you saying my dear Fekhira. This is all for you." When he said that I almost felt nauseous enough to puke blood.

"Rihrara. Bring. Her. To. Me." He said that ever so calmly as he sat down on a chair that appeared out of nowhere.

That demanding voice.... I narrowed my eyes at him.

Aunt Rihrara's unconscious body rose at his command. Her eyes were still closed meaning she was still unconscious. The movement in her body was limp but it did not stop her body from moving as she sprinted towards me. It was like seeing a human body being pulled by string puppets.
Just then i also noticed the sky that was now being infested by demons and void creatures attacking while the humans of this world attacked them back. From old men and women to children.

I looked at him to see the calmest expression any person could have on them right now. His lips curved when he noticed me looking at him.

This damn psycho. Not only did he enjoy controlling everyone in this world as if they were his toys, he was also apparently, obsessed with this saintess.
As for the reason I knew I would never know.

The crisis of this world's mission now sank into my mind ringing red alarms over and over again.

One thing for sure was that the cause of all this mayhem was HIS OBSESSION TOWARDS THE SAINTESS. And of course because he is a psycho.

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