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The official candidate of the crown Princess was declared in a matter of time.

Now everybody knew Mary Luna was the fiance of Prince Cazis.

While the people of the kingdom were rejoicing over the news, our graduation ceremony was approaching. The rest of my days at the academy passed by without much trouble. In a few days we will be leaving the academy and return to our respective families.
Since that was the case me and my friends decided to enjoy our time together before parting our ways. And for this reason we have been going out for days, mingling in the crowds to enjoy the festive season that was monopolizing the market.

"Eve. Hurry!!" Richie pulled me along while the rest of us followed her lead. We have been going to different fair circles. There were lots of shops with delicious food and beautiful clothes. The most outstanding thing that caught my attention this entire time we have been out was the marvelous roller coaster, the giant Ferris wheel and the water themed parks which was extremely similar to the modern world's amusement parks.

I thought this world was based on some historical era but the existence of these modern themed fair made me think that perhaps I was wrong. Maybe this world was a blend of both historical and modern theme.

Richie was an extremely curious girl. So she made us ride each and every item in the fair. I felt bad for Shunme because she was vomiting after Richie forced her to ride the roller coaster.
By evening we went to a restaurant. Since there were twenty five of us we ended up renting out the entire first floor. We sat by the windows enjoying the view of the crowd bustling below.

"Ah??" Meril exclaimed. Pointing at a group of people she whispered. "Isn't that Mary and prince Cazis?"

"Where? Where?" Everyone asked screening through the crowd.

"'s really them." They gasped

I shook my head looking at Mary and her harem men. They were all dressed modestly. Their hair colours were different. But just because they were in disguise didn't mean people wouldn't recognise them. This trope where you disguise yourself with simple get ups while others don't recognise you was probably a hoax.
Unless your get up is extremely complex, how can we not tell who is who only because you changed your clothes and hair colours??

"I have always wondered this but Mary really doesn't have any female friends." Shunme couldn't help but remark looking at her surrounded by males.

Every girl in the dorm knew the answer. It was because prince Cazis would threaten any girl who tries to befriend Mary. And when they tell the matter of truth to her, she believes the prince rather than us. So we ended up staying away from her. Because that fucking possessive prince is a calamity to us since he is of higher rank than most students at the academy.

"It is very trashy of the prince to isolate her from other women just because he thinks she belongs to her. Ugh. That disgusting animal." Richie scorned with disgust looking at the prince who was kissing Mary while the later blushed.

"I agree." Vivian added. "Mary is truly pitiful. She doesn't realise that she is being trapped at the guise of love. Power that comes with absoluteness can be really scary."

"Yes indeed. Not only Prince Cazis but Lord Rigur, Senior Mavkey and the other men around Mary are also very scary. Everytime we talk to her they come over, glaring at us as if we were a peck of dust on the ground. If eyes could kill, i would have definitely been dead for long."

Hearing their conversations was always interesting for me. It was wonderful as to how these girls, who probably did not have any role in the otome game viewed the relationship between the main couple.
Unlike the heroine who was made to be a saint like person by the author, these girls had their own views when it comes to love and relationships.
For me, it was not the heroine who was unique and eye catching but these girls who were very celar of what they see and think were very attractive.

"What's will you all today hm?" I giggled glancing at them one by one. They looked at me with confused eyes.
I smiled boasting of my fondness for them. "You guys are always pretty and cute but now you are all getting prettier and prettier. Hm?"

They all smiled and blushed at my words.

"Geez.... Eve you flirt." Richie giggled covering her cheeks with her hands.

We all burst into laughter.

And the atmosphere surrounding us got even more lively. was thanks to these girls that I had a really good time at the academy.

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