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I recollected every piece of information I could gather from my memories of reading the book.

The first mission was my priority. To get rid of Carlos Porid before Lara gets him.
I had to make an outline of the all crimes that would be charged against him.

The first one would be a murder charge. Carlos planned his late wife's murder in a way that seemed as if she died of natural cause. She was a relative of royalty so this murder was gonna weigh heavy on him.

The second one was poisoning the current emperor. That plan of his was going through its second stage as we speak of right now. In another five years the emperor would succumb to his death.

The third would be illegal trading of forbidden drugs outside the empire, illegal slavery, forced prostitution and rape of minors.

There were many other rape and assault charges that were never mentioned in the case because no one knew of his other victims. As a reader, i did. So i was going to add those to his list. Including Rivi's case.

The first thing that I needed to take care of was the current emperor's poisoning.

Recalling the novel i couldn't help but wonder how was he able to get away with all these crimes without getting caught? Like, man never made any mistake and always did everything so perfectly. That was surreal for me as a person. As a reader, i never thought much about it but now as someone who was part of this world i couldn't help but wonder how was he able to do all this?

Just like his fatal flaw, this seemed more like a tool for the author to dramatize the story more so that the female lead could appear more OP.

I sighed. Trying to remember all the people that were involved with Carlos's crimes. Many of them were from nobility. Some were from within the empire and some from outside. There were also many mercenaries and commoners involved in his entire network. Finding them out myself was impossible. So i had to device a well laid plain for executing all of these things. 

"My Lady. The thing that you have requested for is ready." Yovis knocked on my door before entering.
We have been pretty close ever since I came here.

I got up from my chair. "Good. Thank you Yovis." I smiled at her.

She looked at me with adoration in her eyes. The trust between us was stronger and I was able to confide in her regarding my plan.
However, she was the only one I trusted in this mansion. The rest of them were still unreliable.

When I came outside, the front yard was crowded with a flock of doves. They were all digging around the yard pecking the grains Yovis had scattered around. This was the time of their seasonal migration. They will migrate from the south to the west in search of better ecological conditions. Their main destination being the Royal Garden of the capital. The Royal Garden always hosts it's traditional custom of welcoming it's national bird around the time of its seasonal migrations. This event was of utmost importance in the book as the emperor would be absent to lead the event so his younger brother would have to host it, which was none other than Duke Ropert.

There was also another reason why the seasonal migration was very important. The doves would be received inside the palace and they would be trained for the purpose of long distance communication. They would be trained as courier birds aided by the virtue of magical equipments making them quite useful.
The first person who will receive this flock of doves will be none other than Male lead number 2.

It was a perfect opportunity to slip in some Intel to him.

While I remained outside Yovis helped me in distracting the other attendants.

I picked up a docile one out of the flock. Since all these years I have been preparing a lot for the perfect opportunity. I slipped in the intel underneath its wings and used a magical stone to conceal it.

The pack was ready to take off anytime.


I watched them fly away, a little sigh leaving my lips. Hoping that everything will go according to my plan.

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