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As I was going into the living room I see Katarina at the door with a suitcase, I didn't like her but I didn't hate her, I tried my best not to hate anyone

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As I was going into the living room I see Katarina at the door with a suitcase, I didn't like her but I didn't hate her, I tried my best not to hate anyone.

"Katarina," I yelled while walking over to her, "Sorry Elora I'm going." "No wait, are you okay?" She smiled at my words, "Your compassion is a gift Elora, carry it with you always and forever." She said before walking out of the door.

My grandmother used to tell me that my kind sole would take me far in life, it's one of the things that kept me sane over the years. I choose to believe that people, like Enzo and Katarina, were just misunderstood. That no one in this world understands them.

It's how I live every day knowing that there are horrible people in the world.

Enzo came downstairs shortly after to find me on the couch watching tv, "Im going home today Enzo." I smile at him, "I know I fucking hate it." "Love it, for me." He sits next to me, "I still fucking hate it, we can go whenever you're ready." I get up from the couch and squeal with excitement, "Thank you, thank you." I repeat before running upstairs.

I'd grown to like him, but I missed my best friend and sister. I do have one, we rarely talk but I miss her.

I gather everything from the room that belonged to me and put it in my bag, Victor came up and took Derek to the car. I walk downstairs with my bags and Enzo takes them and walks me to a car, not a limo. He was silent the entire time, "Enzo say something." I say while adjusting my seat in one of his many cars.

"What's there to say?" Derek begins howling in the backseat, "Say what you're thinking." "Im thinking that I shouldn't have had sex with you, or kissed you." He begins driving, "so you regret it?" I ask while looking at him, but his eyes never left the road. "I never said that, I just shouldn't have taken your virginity." "You didn't take anything, I gave it to you."

One of his hands left the steering wheel to rest on my thigh, "We're here." He sighs, "don't sound so mad, it'll be fine." "Let's go ill walk you to the door," he insists before getting out of the car and grabbing my bag, I pick up Derek and begin walking to my door.

I put Derek inside while I and Enzo stare at each other outside of the door. Was he going to kiss or kill me?

"So this is goodbye?" He asks, "No it's not." He places a small, quick kiss on my forehead, "goodbye." He smiled before walking away as if he didn't hear what I just said.

I walk into my apartment breathing in the fresh air. I lay on my couch, relaxing. While I wasn't scared of Enzo it was nerve-wreaking to live in the house of a mafia king, he has enemies, people who would do anything for his blood.

The door has been replaced with a thicker one that was bulletproof, my living room is filled with knocks, "One moment of peace is all I want." I sighed before getting up, I open the door to find my dad, drunk. "Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked while letting him in, "I wanted to come see my favorite daughter." "That's rude to say, you have another daughter who loves you very much." I inform him while pulling out my phone, "does she know you here?"

My half-sister Elena lives with my dad, she is almost eighteen and I hate to leave her with our alcoholic dad but I couldn't deal with him anymore. I send them money when I can and visit sometimes but it just brings up parts of my life id rather leave behind.

I call Elena, "Dad is here, you should keep him on a tighter leash, can you come to get him?" I ask her, "Im on my way." She hung up, I hand my dad a glass of water. "Why are you day drinking?" I ask knowing the answer, he hasn't stopped drinking since my mom left him. She's a son of a bitch anyways. "Im a man Elora, I drink, it's fun." He sounds like a frat boy, "Grow up, you were never my parent I was always yours and then I had to be Elena's, I may be your favorite daughter but you will never be my father." I call him dad, but he never acted like one. "I never meant for that Elora, you know it." "Well, your intentions and actions are two completely different things, are you hungry or something?" I ask, "No, im fine I wanted to ask how you were doing." "Don't worry about me, im not yours to worry about. Im gonna go to my room, Elena should be here soon." I said before leaving him with another cup of water.

Twenty minutes later, my dad was passed out on the couch as Elena entered my apartment. "Elora, can I speak with you?" She asks stepping into my bedroom, "Sure."

"Thanks for letting me know I need to keep him on a tighter leash, he a blast after two drinks but after five he gets a little weepy, and aggressive but I stay because he's my dad, yesterday he called me a selfish bitch and the week before he wrote me a check for 10,000$ because he said that he was so proud of me and I should be the little girl he dreamed of, I should follow my dreams, whatever my heart desired so im sorry that keeping our alcoholic dad on a leash as tight as they go wasn't enough for you, but you are a coward, you don't know the meaning of family, you stay no matter what but your not there. So if you arent going to help tighten the leash then don't talk about it."

"Elena, I know about the drinking, and the aggression he beat me senselessly or watched my mom do it, I am not a coward I am strong I left because If I didn't it would've killed me, I know all about all the leashes and I've seen them as tight as they go, he is not your responsibility you are his, so do something about it don't go through what I did," I say.

"He is my responsibility, there's no one else, nowhere else for him to go, Im all he's got." Her eyes start to become red and puffy with tears, I give her a quick hug. "Check him into a rehab." She nods before going into the living room and walking him out of the front door.

Coward? What a fucking joke. If Katarina hadn't called me compassionate earlier in the day I may have said something worse than what I did.

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