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"God Giovanni are you okay?" Katarina frantically asked pulling off her shirt and covering his wound, so dramatic, id already called our personal doctor and he was waiting outside, I knew Elora would spill blood

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"God Giovanni are you okay?" Katarina frantically asked pulling off her shirt and covering his wound, so dramatic, id already called our personal doctor and he was waiting outside, I knew Elora would spill blood.

"What are you hiding from her?" I ask not caring about the blood he was pouring, "where is your fucking loyalty, she just stabbed me I will fucking kill her." He hissed, I couldn't reply before the doctor had taken him to another room.

"Fuck that was hot," Silas says still sitting at the table. "Do you want me to fucking stab you?" I turn to look at him, "she was different, I didn't like her then but now fuck." He leaned back in his chair, "does she know you're lusting over her?" I ask trying not to put a bullet through his fucking skull, "No, I told her she was too nice but that was six months ago." He could see and feel the anger pulsing through me, he quickly ran off.

"Boss," Victor said nervously next to me. "Spit it out Victor," "A plane was shot down, by the Russians, it was carrying," he didn't finish the sentence. "How much was it fucking carrying?" My voice was raised, "ten bricks." He said quietly.

I grabbed a glass from the table and threw it at the wall, "get Veronica to draw up marriage papers to Elora Moore, inform her personal bodyguard that she needs to be here to sign them as soon as possible, and fuck." I could barely think straight, "get Silas and Alessio to come with me on a boat wherever the fucking plane is, what about the people who were on the plane?" I ask, "all dead- sir."

"Go," I demanded.

Word has it that Enzo just got robbed of ten bricks, which is terrible but the Russians got me for much more, they crossed both of us they could get killed by both of us

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Word has it that Enzo just got robbed of ten bricks, which is terrible but the Russians got me for much more, they crossed both of us they could get killed by both of us.

"Diego," I screamed. "Yes, boss?" "Lorenzo Romano, I assume he's going on a boat to try and retrieve what was taken of his?" I ask, "yes boss." "Great, alert him that ill be there as well." The madder I got the calmer my voice got which only scared people more.

Alejandra walked into my room just as Diego was leaving, "Great Alejandra, we need to go alert the others, Maryanne, Elijah, and Jorge, and tell them to be on their best behaved as we'll be accompanying Mr. Romano." I alert her, "why are we fraternizing with the enemy?"

"Don't ask me fucking questions, and don't be a bitch, he is no longer the enemy, he will be what I want him to be, go alert the others," I repeat, I am a bitch now, I wasn't always though.

I look down at the blood stains on my hands, it was way too late for this and I was way too annoyed. I run my hands under the warm water scrubbing the blood off, there was a gentle knock don't the bathroom door, "enter." I demand, "Mr. Romano insisted on having you all in the same helicopter is that alright?" Diego asks, "it's fine."

I dried my hands and stepped out of the bathroom, "Mr. Moore has drawn up a marriage contract, were you aware of this?" Diego asked, "I was, I will sign them tomorrow and talk to the publicists, until then not a word of this to anyone else." He replied with a nod, "the helicopter is ready and so is everyone else."

I put on the headphones Diego had given me as the helicopter approached the helipad on the roof. It was loud as fuck, Victor opens the helicopter door allowing me to step in. "Elora," Enzo greets. "Mr. Romano," everyone was staring at our interaction.

"Should we tell them?" I ask whispering in his ear, "that we're getting married for convincing?" "No, that our parents signed a contract years ago forcing us to get married today." I clarified, "No, we should throw a ball and announce it then." He whispered in my ear, "okay."

"Why are you all fucking staring, start thinking of ways to not get your fucking heads blown off, and don't hold year-old grudges or you will all die," I said referring to the dirty looks our teams had been throwing at each other. "That was fucking hot, makes me want to bend you over and fuck you right here." Enzo whispered in my ear, "I'm saving myself for marriage." I said jokingly.

"The plan," I say while looking at my people. "Simple, get on the boat and find the product, if any of the Russians most likely got there first and stole all of it in which situation we will find them and kill them until they tell us why." One of my trainees, Evan says, "Good, you are learning." I say unimpressed, "yes boss, what about Mr. Romano's clan?" Evan asks, I turn my head to look at Enzo.

"Speak," he demands while looking at his clan, I notice Giovanni isn't there. Shame. "Same as them, but we will torture and then kill them." Alessio says, "great." "We're here, boats are waiting down there." The pilot says, "Me or him?" I ask, "You, Ms. Moore."

I sit on the boat, as everyone else on my team follows. "Be ready to kill, fight, and stay quiet," I whisper to them. "Got it boss," someone whispers. I should've killed whoever it was for speaking after I just said stay quiet.

We approach the plane pieces floating around in the water, "Jorge can you go look for any product, ill make sure you don't get killed." I say while handing him a life jacket, "yes boss." "Stop talking." He carefully climbs out of the boat and onto one of the plane pieces, "I'm going to kill those fucking Russians." I hiss under my breath.

A shot is fired hitting me in the chest, it hurt a bit but my bulletproof vest stopped it from killing me. "Bitch," I whisper before pulling out my gun, "Русские выходи, выходи, где бы ты ни был," I say in Russian. [Russians come out come out wherever you are]

I stand up on the boat causing it to rock more, I see a black figure moving on a boat in the near distance, I take a couple of shots trying to aim in the dark is not as easy as it seems. I fire a couple more times until I hear screams. They didn't bother to shoot back because 1 their bullets suck, and two I would kill them without thinking twice and they know it.

"Boss there's nothing here." Jorge alerts me, "fuck, let's go we need to find Mr. Romano and get the hell out of here so I can rip everyone one of their heads off." I say while clenching my fists. Jorge gets back on the boat, "cuando volvamos al helicóptero no hables una palabra de inglés, hablaré yo." I say. [when we get back to the helicopter don't speak a word of English, I'll do the talking.]

"Por supuesto jefa." [of course boss.] Jorge says with a nod, "Okay, go wherever the hell Mr. Romano and his clan are." The boat driver rods before taking off.

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