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"A tequila please," the customer said

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"A tequila please," the customer said. I pour a glass half full of tequila and slide it over to the girl across the bar then grab the money she left on the bar. "Okay, I'm going on break so if you need anything just ask him," I say to her while pointing to the other bartender. I untie my apron and throw it onto a chair in the back before going outside. 

I step outside and shiver as the cool air hits my skin, I shiver as voices fill my ears, I walk over and listen to the people on the street from the corner. I hear something along the lines of, "Where the fuck is it?" "I- I don't know Elio was supposed to bring it, I couldn't find it." "That's a fucking shit excuse go find it or your ass is mine," an Italian accent hisses. 

I peek over to try and get a look and see him holding a gun hidden by the side of his suit being held to his heart, "Go find it." The man screamed again before the guy ran off, the Italian one looked around and saw me. I quickly hide behind the corner and run back inside the bar.

I tie my apron back on and continue working until he walks in, he sits two seats down from anyone else. I walk over to him, "What can I get for you?" I ask trying to pretend I didn't hear or see anything. "Whisky," his husky voice spoke sending chills down my spine. I grab the whisky bottle and pour him a glass, I slide it to him allowing our hands to touch for a moment. 

His touch sends shivers down my spine, "If you need anything just call me." I say before walking down the bar, "Elora." His voice calls, and I practically stomp down the bar back to him. "How do you know my name?" I ask while my eyes squint. "I know things, about you Elora Morre." His voice sends shivers down my spine again, "and I know nothing about you." I say intrigued, maybe curious. 

"Lorenzo Romano," holy shit. My jaw drops, everyone knows him. He runs the number one Mafia in the city. He has a reputation, not a good one. "What are you here to kill me?" I ask, "I didn't find you, you found me." His tone was soft in a way, very calm. "So now I'm a witness and you have to kill me, I know how this works Lorenzo." "Enzo and you won't tell." He seemed more sure than me. 

"How do you know?" I ask, "If you do-" I interrupt him, "I-I don't have time for this, I won't tell, I have to work." I say before walking away, maybe not the smartest thing to do. Maybe the best way to get killed. I turned to look at him one more time and he was stunned. His face showed it. 

I finish up my shift and grab my sweater and purse, "Okay Elora be careful, guys these days are," "Shitty, I know, I'll be fine see you tomorrow." I say before hugging my good friend, Blake. She worries all the time about everything, it's a mom thing. "Okay, be careful." She says again, I walk out of the bar. 

There he is waiting for me, leaning against the entrance of the bar. "Lorenzo sorry, Enzo." I say correcting myself, "Angel." He says softly, "I want to talk." He adds, "Shoot." I say forget the irony, "Not literally." I add, "I'm not going to hurt you." He reassures me, "What do you want to talk about?" I ask while adjusting my standing position as my legs hurt.

"I like your perfume, what is it Rose? lavender?" My eyes widen in shock, that's what he wants to talk about? Perfume, really? "It's lavender, that's what you wanna talk to me about?" I ask confused, "Maybe." He whispers, I scoff at his words. "See you later," he says before walking away. "What? You will so not see me again," I scream while he walks away. 

Weird, hot, creepy? I stand there for a moment trying to comprehend what just happened. I stand there for a moment rethinking the conversation before going to my car. I attempt to start my car, three times and it doesn't work. I step back out of my car and stand at the bar entrance while thinking of what to do. 

Enzo appears out of the shadows, "Everything okay angel? It's dark out you should get home," he says softly. "I- I am fine my car isn't working, I do not know you, and I am not an angel." I say while backing away from him, "I can give you a ride home." He says while looking into my eyes while the street lights flicker. "No, I don't know you I will call an Uber or my friend will drive me." "You know me," he says while walking closer to me "I do not, I know about you, I know your reputation but I do not know you and nor do I want to so you can go, thanks for offering." 

Another guy comes up behind him and I think I'm going to die, "what is it, Alessio?" He asks getting irritated, "I found Elio, he's at one of the warehouses." Alessio tries to say quietly, he walks closer to me causing me to flinch, "Relax angel, I'm not going to hurt you, I have to go." He says while fixing his tux and then walking away. 

What sparks his sudden interest in me, it's slightly disturbing. I mean when the most popular mafia leader in the city you live in takes interest in you it's for a reason, I wonder what the reason is? 

I go back into the bar and walk to the back trying to find Blake, "Blake" I call out while walking around. She comes out of the bathroom moments later, "I need a ride, please." I beg of her, "Okay, my shift ends in like ten minutes I'll take you home then." "Okay thank you," I say before walking away. I twiddle with my fingers while sitting at the bar, waiting. I hate waiting I hate time it goes too slow. 

Ten minutes pass, "Elora, Alex is here we can go now," Alex is our friend, kinda of, he works at the bar. "Okay, thanks again," I say while getting up from the bar and grabbing my things. I follow her out to her car, "just one second I'm going to try my car again." I say before walking over to it, I take a deep breath before trying to start it again but this time it turns on. 

I go back over to Blake's car, "My car is magically working again, sorry for the trouble, See you tomorrow." I say before walking back over to my car and getting into it. I get home to a quiet, empty house like always. I need friends, more friends. 

I step into the shower feeling the warm water hit my skin, I could go on and on about how I hate hot showers but love warm and cold showers. I shampoo my hair, its lavender reminds me of him, Lorenzo. His touch, his hand barely touching my arm, his voice, him. 

I finish my shower and slip into a slip robe, I go into the kitchen and grab a glass cup from the cabinet and fill it with sink water, it's flavorful maybe in a disgusting or maybe in an I don't want to buy bottled water way or maybe it doesn't matter. 

I put the glass in the sink and go into my bedroom cutting out all the lights, the only way I can sleep is in complete silence and darkness. I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling as my mind was invaded by thoughts.

I groan loudly, frustrated at my insomnia before getting up and flicking the lights on. I grab my journal from under my pillow and begin writing. 

love is the most powerful drug a person can have, not that I have it or met it, or saw it, I have not. He is not a- we will not- I will never see him again so I need to stop thinking about it before I drive myself insane.

I slam the journal closed and put it back under my pillow, I let out a sigh of relief, I can sleep now. right? I lay back down and stared at the black ceiling until I fell asleep.

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