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I pull away from his chest, quickly missing his scent so close to me

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I pull away from his chest, quickly missing his scent so close to me. "No, do you want me to marry you because you are here on this beach begging me to because that's not how I want to get married, ask me over someone's dead body literally, and as much as I like you what my favorite color?" I ask, "that's not important, we kill people every day for god's sake you think I care about your favorite color?" He made a good point, "I know a million different things about you but none of them matter unless you love me." He added. 

"Cookie?" I offered while holding out one, he grabbed it, "and before you say you don't like sweets I know, I know a million things about you too but eat the damn cookie anyway." I demanded while taking a bite of my cookie. 

"We need to live together, so my house is bigger there's enough space for your men and mine, maybe we should build them houses for their families." I suggest while sitting on the counter, he looked slightly distressed, "what's wrong?" "You and I both know that there can only be one boss in a household, the Hispanics and Italians have been fighting for generations do you think our men are going to get along?" He made yet another good point. 

"I will be the boss, you haven't seen what I can do Lorenzo, I am powerful the only way for us both to be the boss is," I stop myself, fuck. "Is for us to get married," I finish my previous sentence. "Marriage for convenience," he says as he did earlier. 

"Let's sleep on it, and no way in hell am I staying here for three days we are leaving in the morning." I jump off the counter noticing that he'd finished his entire cookie, I let out a small laugh before finding my way to the bedroom. 

After laying for a few minutes I got back up and got my journal from the bag I packed, "are you writing about me?" Enzo asks from the doorway, "you can read mine if I can read yours." I offer, "No way in hell." "Did you name yours I named mine," I ask tapping the pen against the cover. "After." He says, "I have two, one for talking about you called infinity and the other one I write about life, I won't tell you that one." I open the journal, "which one is that?" I don't answer him just write. 

Marriage for convenience

Marriage for convenience

Marriage for convenience

Marriage for convenience

It's fucking bullshit, right? It is, but it's also the only way. 

Mafia marriage is not regular marriage, we could tell everyone that our parents signed these contracts years ago and we have to comply, and everyone would think that it- we were merely a business arrangement. That's the only way. 

people like us don't fall in love and get married it's not how it works. 

but is it what I want? yes. 

I slammed the journal shut, "Giovanni is keeping a secret from me." I tell him, I'm like a human lie detector. "What?" "I don't know but I'm going to find out, even if it means killing him, torturing him so I have to do it before we get married," I say before cuddling up in his chest and I could feel his smirk. 


"Elora," Enzo whispers. I groan before stretching my arms out, I sit up. "Don't kiss me, I have morning breath be right back." I walked into the bathroom and began brushing my teeth, "so we're getting married so we can live with each other?" He asks while leaning against the door frame, "yes, the plan is to tell the public that our parents arranged for this and let everyone think that, why haven't you called me an angel?" I spit the toothpaste out. 

"You're different now, you are still my angel but you aren't an angel, so your not marrying me because you're in love with me, you know Gio, Silas, and Katarina are never going to buy it." He points out, luckily I thought of that. "If they don't keep their mouths shut ill cut off their tongues and then bash out their teeth."

"Not an angel," he said under his breath. "Aura?" I suggest before kissing him, "no." "Lora?" "Fuck no." "Fine, whatever I'm calling you Ro though, ill be in the car." I kiss him again before making my way downstairs. 

I sit in the car waiting for Enzo or Ro as ill now call him, I thought of it when I was falling asleep. It's from his last name Romano, and Enzo is way too hard to moan during sex so I thought id shorten it. In the amount of time, it took Ro to get to the car I also thought about what Giovanni could be keeping from me and how badly id love to just kill him. 

"I brought your cookies," Enzo says while sitting in the car and handing me a tub-a-ware container. "Thanks," I smile as he starts the car. "Why did Katrena stay?" I ask referring to the fact that she's been staying at his house for the last six months. 

"She was worried about me wanted to fuck Gio and probably Silas." He says coldly, "did she want to fuck you?" I ask, I have no idea why I'm bringing up old drama. "She did, and I'm only telling you because you are my future wife, and I don't want to lie to you." "Great, so Alejandra is great at the press release and will probably have us donate to some charity for good publicity, the wedding should probably be as soon as possible and since we are actually dating ill have one public one and one private one that'll be just us and our friends and family," I say trying not to think about Katarina.

"Is this completely ridiculous?" I ask looking at him, "Only if you don't want to live in the same house, we will be okay and follow the steps, we just have more steps than other people." His words soothe me, "Okay I'm going to sleep-wake me when we get there." I say before driving off into a deep sleep. 

Im awaken by loud booms against the windshield, "what the fuck is that?" I ask, "A fucking person waiting to die, wait here." He said, "No, you don't get to silence me, I will also kill them." I grip the gun on my hip before stepping out of the car next to Enzo. 

"You guys killed my fucking brother!!" The idiot screamed, "hands off your guns." The idiot demanded, "Enzo listen to him." I demanded while looking sternly at him, "what was his name?" I ask the guy who was obviously in distress. "Noah Mc. Coy," I remembered him, we'd killed him on a mission, I, Enzo, and Silas.

"Sir put your gun down or my boyfriend will kill you," I say trying to reason with him. "Come with me and ill leave him unharmed." I flash my eyes between Enzo and the guy. "Elora are you a fucking idiot? Kill him." Enzo yelled, if either of us moved an inch he would kill us.

I once said in the choice between love and the mafia I would choose the mafia. That was a lie, I would choose love. I do choose love, I choose him.

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