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"My mother is in Canada," Elora says again, I think she's in shock

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"My mother is in Canada," Elora says again, I think she's in shock. "I know Amore, you said that fifteen times, do you need anything?" "Sleep, I'm always tired now, wake me when we land." She says before laying her head on my should, "Ti amo." I whisper.

I have been trying to wake Elora for twenty minutes, the plane landed twenty minutes ago and I can't wake her. I thought she was dead but, she has a pulse. "Elora, wake up." I say again, "Elora." I loudly sigh, I stand up from the seat holding her head in my hand before picking her up, cradling her in my arms.

I walk out of the airplane, the stairs were a bitch to walk down while holding a person and a half. I place her on the limo seat, "is she okay boss?" The driver asks, "fine, just drive, and make it fast." I don't care for people, certainly not irrelevant ones. "Of course sir." He says before driving.

I continue trying to shake Elora to wake her but all my attempts fail. I give up until the car comes to a stop, "we're here boss." I let out a groan before gently shaking her again, "what the hell do you want?" She groans, "We are here, we were here an hour ago." She shoots up, "sorry, I'm just carrying a human, nothing much." She says while pushing her hair out of her face.

"If you slept at home instead of trying to meet up with your crazy mother then maybe you wouldn't be so tired." "Maybe I shouldn't have to change my work life just because I'm carrying a human, it doesn't make me crippled just very tired, can we go now." I laugh at the irony, she's rushing me.

"We can," I say while opening the door and allowing her out of the car. "Which building?" She asks the bodyguard while looking between the two huge grey buildings covered in vines, "Left." She turns her head to the left building, "so what is she pretending to be a teacher in here?" She asks, "We'll just have to see, come on love." I say as I intertwine our fingers.

We walk into the front door, there's a lady standing there whose eyes fall on us as soon as we walk in. "Where is Alice Moore?" Elora asks, "second-floor room 2B." Elora replies with a nod before we make our way to the elevator.

Elora knocks on the door labeled 2B but no one answer, "my mother isn't stupid, she probably left as soon as she heard my voice." She says while knocking again, "you talked to her?" I ask in shock, just when I think she's telling me the truth. "Shit, I didn't mean to say that but I did talk to her." "What did she say?" I ask, "Nothing memorable." She turns the door knob which is unlocked.

"Mrs. Romano, let me." The bodyguard says, "No, let me." She kicks the door open to find an empty office, "great," she says under her breath. "Im going in," the bodyguard says before walking into the office and turning the lights on while holding out his gun. "There's a note, for you Mrs. Romano." He says while looking at a paper on the desk. She and I step into the room looking at the desk.

'Hello, my weak, fragile, daughter, hide and seek close your eyes and count to ten - your mother.'

"Elora, don't listen to her." I say trying to reassure her, "I don't care for her words, close your eyes and count to ten." She repeats three times, "what the hell does that mean?" She asks while grabbing the note and crumbling it in her hand.

"Can we just go home, I don't care for my mother if she wants something she'll make it known, I just want to go home with you and our child, she'll come when she's ready." Elora begs while looking at the crumbled note in her hand, "I don't think that's the smartest-" "I don't care, I'm tired of this, I want to be free, I want to live a semi-normal life which doesn't include chasing my mother to the ends of the earth."

"I would take you away if I could, free you of this life but I can't, we need to figure out what she wants." I say trying to reason with her, "she'll come to us if she thinks it's her idea." "Okay, we can go home." I say, she wraps her arms around my chest, "thank you," she whispers. "Are you okay?" I ask as she removes her arms from around me, "Fine you?" I don't answer. I just open the office door letting her and the bodyguard out, "are you okay Lorenzo?" Fuck, she went first name on me. "Fine."


We walk into the front door to see Carina hugging Silas, "what's going on?" I ask as we step into the living room, "Im leaving." Carina explains as she removes her arms from Silas, she can see the anger on my face, "Lorenzo come." She asks while opening the door to one of the studies. I follow her into the room, "Don't be mad brother." "You're leaving again." I point out, "Im not leaving I'm living, you get your heir and your family and I get what I want." She says, "You left me, sister, you left our family." 

"I didn't leave, you drove me away, when will you see that I am your family, your blood I don't leave you, you drive me away." Her words feel like a knife going through my chest. "You will always mean something to me, I love you but you refuse to show love the same way father did and to watch you use that girl to get your heir, I won't do it, I can't." She further explains.

"You don't trust my intentions for my wife and child, you act like you don't know me sister like I didn't want what you did before dad ruined me." I say as anger runs through my veins and seethes out of my pours, "Believe what you want but speak of my family again and I will end you sister, my family means everything to me, you are merely a person I share a last name with." I say before exiting the study where Elora is playing with Jax.

We left him with Katarina and Silas while we were gone but the light in Elora's eyes when she looks at him makes my heart melt. I don't hate him, he's not whiny or annoying. "Enzo, Jax wants to stay with us." Elora says, no way in hell that's happening. "Well, im sure we could find him a nice family and he could visit sometimes but we cant keep him." It kind of feels like im telling her we cant keep a dog.

"Okay Jax, its getting late lets go." She smiles while holding her hand out, "Katarina, can you take him?" She asks putting Jax's hand in Katarinas, "Of course." I'd never seen Katarina so nice, when they get on the elvator Elora comes over to me, "are you okay?" She asks again, "I told you I was fine." "Lets go." She demands, "where?" "To have sex, I don't know what fine is code for but sex should fix it." She raises an eyebrow waiting for my approval. 

"Sex it is." 

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