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"Im not killing her," Enzo says, again

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"Im not killing her," Enzo says, again. "So what you're going to keep her locked up forever? The serpents will come looking for her, just kill her, I can handle this Enzo, why don't you want me to? Is it because will be your equal? You won't have power over me?" I ask while pacing the dark hall outside of the cell.

"It's nothing like that, I am just trying to protect you." "Lorenzo, I don't need your protection." I say before walking back into the cell, "So before I make my decision which isn't really mine, tell me how this works." I lie while sitting in the chair across from her.

"no quiero que escuchen," (I don't want them to hear.)

"Don't worry it's soundproof, people scream and cry it's a bit annoying so its sound proof." She smiles at my words, "You are going to be perfect for this."

"So, you will have a right-hand man, Diego, he will explain everything and tell you what you need to do and where you need to be, we specialize in drugs, drug runs, selling them, and buying them if anyone double crosses you." I remember this one, "Kill them." We say at the same time.

She told me my entire childhood that there's no such a thing as good people only bad people who do good things, she was completely wrong but I didn't know that as a child, I believed her.

"Okay, where is the house, is it a mansion, penthouse?" I ask, "Mansion, Diego will find you." "Okay, I'll send Enzo in to kill you," I smile before getting up and walking out of the cell. I heard her pleads while walking out but.

I simply don't care.


I walk outside of the base while my mother screams replay in my head, "Ms. Moore." A man greets, "Diego Castillo." He holds his hand out, "they let you in here?" I ask referring to the gates and guards, I ignore his hand.

"You are my boss now, I go where you go, do you have funeral preparations for your mother?" I scoff at his words, "Even if my mother deserved a funeral-" I stop myself, "No, I will make them tonight, anything I need to know?" "Offication party is tradition, all the clans join you as you become the official leader of the serpents." I nod at his words, "You just stay right here." I say before walking towards Enzo.

"I will see you tomorrow?" I ask Enzo, "Yes, and my mamma is coming with my niece and nephew." "Okay see you," I smile before kissing him gently. "Don't do anything stupid, you have power now." He whispers in my ear, "I do."

"Shall we?" Diego asks while opening the limo door for me, "we shall."

"What should I expect?" I ask Diego, "Well you're mother just picked new recruits and they are at the house, you have to train them because they are idiots, Mrs. Cruz is the cook, and Mr. Lopez does the cleaning, I am one of your bodyguards, there are three of us highly trained who goes everywhere with you, others just stand in and around the house." I nod at his words, "the trainee's how old are they?" "Sixteen and Seventeen," great, I'm going to have a bunch of teenage boys fawning over me.

"Okay, we're here." The limo driver says, Diego opens the door for me and I climb out. This mansion was also huge, not as big as Enzo's but it's not a competition, yet.

I walk into the house, it was beautiful defiantly my mom's style which I didn't mind. "Can you get someone to clean my mother's room, get rid of all her things?" I smile at Diego before he pulls his phone out, "Of course Ms. Moore." I feel like I'm 110, Ms. Moore.

I walk to the kitchen, to find a lady cooking. "Hello Ms. Moore," I have had enough. "No Elora, please, you must be Mrs. Cruz?" "Sure am! Would you like dinner?" "No, I'm not hungry, just wanted to introduce myself." I smile before walking off, the living room is filled with teenage boys about six of them. They don't look so young but young enough.

"Elora Moore," one of them says stunned. "That is who I am, and you?" "Evan Landcane, we've heard nothing good about you, you're mother hated you." He informs me. One of the guys beside him hit his arm, "Sorry about him, I'm Jackson Mills." Another says while smiling, I sigh deeply. "Okay, training first thing in the morning, seven in the morning, I won't bother to remember your name until you prove worthy of it," I'm not a mean person, it's a fact. Im nice but when it comes to business I can't be a real bitch.

One of the guys whispers to another right in front of my face, "Something to say?" I ask while tapping my foot against the ground, "We heard you were in alliance with Lorenzo Romano, is it true?" God, nosey people. "I am," "he's on the other side, we don't like him or his clan."

"You are a nobody, I decided who we like and who we hate, as of now everything you know about this Mafia is no longer true, I am nothing like my mother she was a bitch, don't follow her rules, because she is not here anymore, you guys can leave now."

I am not a bitch, I just can be a bit bitchy sometimes.

"See you, Ms. Moore." One of the guys smiled before they all walked out of the front door, "Ms. Moore, your room has been cleared out would you like me to show you to it?" Diego says behind me, "Please."

I lay on the bed that smells like my mother, "I can't do this." I say to myself before getting up and wondering, "what are you doing up?" Diego asks, "I am walking, my bed smells like my mother I'm going to sleep in a guest room." I walk away from him and find another room.

It was all grey and bland and didn't smell like my dead mother, thank god.

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