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I sit there looking at the phone, the screen has gone black now

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I sit there looking at the phone, the screen has gone black now. I don't dare to look up at Enzo because I know he won't let me give up myself because I'm carrying our child which only leaves one person. Himself, he's already said he would give himself up for me in a heartbeat, and now it's me and his child. "Elora," "shut up." I say, "No, we need to talk about this." He insists, "what's there to say?" I ask looking up at him, "we have a week." He says quietly.

I press the call button again, I need details. She picks up after what feels like an eternity, "why shouldn't we just kill you?" I ask, "Because, if I die so do your father and Rose, she's been your best friend forever." Rose and I have talked, I sent her pictures from the ultrasounds and she told me that she stole some baby things from the NICU of the hospital she works at.

My mother stays silent on the other end of the line, I mute the phone. "So, my father and Rose for you, our child, and me." It's wrong I think as the words exit my mouth, but how do i give this all up? I can't possibly fathom a world without him in it. A world without us.

"No. Killing no matter how justified only leads to more killing. I had to learn it the hard way." He says, "And her men will be after us for the rest of our lives, and our daughter. That's not the life I want for you or her."

It goes silent once again.

"And why do you think I gave you ten weeks, my men are stronger, faster, and smarter than yours, you will let me stab you in the stomach to end the baby, shoot you in the head to kill you or your husband will hand himself over to my men where they will bring him to me to kill, and then you can kill me," She says, my stomach twists and turns with her words.

I don't respond just hang up, "what do we do?" I ask Enzo, "You know the answer." "I can't let her win there has to be another way." He walks toward me before pressing our lips together, "I love you, we have a week, where do you wanna go?" He asks, "I want forever, I don't want a week, you promised me an eternity." My tears swell with tears.

"I made a promise to our daughter, that she would have all of the love in this world and you'll give her that with or without me." Our eyes lock, "the beach house." I answer quietly, my mother was always bound to win but I have something she never had. Hope. I will hope until his last breath, I have hope that we will find another way.

"Let's go, my love," he whispers. "I can't live without you, I don't want to that may be selfish but whatever, I love you and I may not show it or say it a lot but I do- love you and I won't live without you, ill be in the car," I say before removing myself from his gaze.

Silas comes from the elevator causing me to turn to look at him, "what's going on?" He asks as his eyes flutter between me and Enzo, "I lost the game of hiding and seek." I say before making my way to the car. I sit in the car tapping my leg trying to think of a way out, someway, anyway. A way for me to get the happy ever after I deserve.

After what feels like hours Enzo finally gets in the car, "you'll live for her." Is all he says before starting the car, "I- no, we don't even have an entire week she said until the end of the week, its Wednesday so what now we have four days and that's all, I won't let you I can't lose you just no." I shake my head at the thought.

"Being in love with someone that's one thing but falling in love with them, is another thing entirely, I fell hopelessly in love with you Elora, I cannot let you die, Im glad I get to die before you I couldn't imagine living without you, I wouldn't want to, so for the next for days we'll live freely and on the fourth day you'll close your eyes and ill leave for you and our daughter." He says while gripping the steering wheel tightly.

My cheeks stain with tears as he begins driving. "I have a name," I say, we've been going back and forth on names forever. "Hhm?" "Valentina Elena Romano." I smile at the thought, "you won't be alone, Silas will help." I want to cover my ears and scream so I don't hear him, I don't want to think of this. I don't want to live in this.

"I don't want Silas, I didn't marry Silas or fall in love with Silas, I love you and I married you so don't give me that bullshit." I am going insane, maybe I'm going mental. "And I am choosing to save you and Elena's life." "You are my life so you aren't necessarily saving it." I sigh before turning my head to the window.

It may be only then when i realize; I made the mistake of letting him become my entire world.

AN: the next couple chapters may be short.

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