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I have to tell her right?

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I have to tell her right?

I can't make her inherit a Mafia without telling her and I can't let her mother go.

Im built for these situations, but I can't do this.

I usually would've never gotten involved with anyone and I wouldn't care about her being an heir, I wouldn't care about the fact that her mother wants her dead and I can't do a damn thing about it.

I also wanna murder my fucking best friend for calling her a bitch when she's one of the strongest people I know.

"Enzo I'm sorry," Gio says while following me as I walk through the house. "I don't give a fuck, if you said it you meant it." "You say shit you don't mean all the time," "I mean it when I say, I don't give a fuck how sorry you are, get out of my face."

"Boss, what do you want to do about Alicia?" Alessio asks, "Fuck, keep her alive, I need another day." "Okay, and word is that someone tried to break in last night, he hasn't said anything he's at the base waiting for you." I sigh at his words, I don't want this for Elora.

"Okay, I'll be there in an hour, don't wait for me, is there a guard at Elora's door?" "Yes, reports a girl came to her house last night and left early this morning and she left this afternoon." "Did she see him?" "No," I reply with the nod of a head before he walks away.

On my way outside to check on the horses, I see Silas and Elora outside. "What are you doing here?" I ask her, "Traning, every day." She smiled, I love her smile. I brush my thumb over her cheek before placing a soft kiss on her lips, "Don't be mad at Giovanni because of me, the heat of the moment he didn't mean it, he's one of your best friends, forgive him." She insisted, she knew me too well.

"Okay, lovebirds, can we get back to it?" Silas teases us while staring at us, he tried to throw her a punch that she dogged. I don't fucking like this. "What if she didn't dodge it? You would've hit her in the fucking face, Silas." I hiss at him, "Enzo, calm down, he knew I would doge it because I'm that awesome." She smiled again. "Whatever, if you hurt her I'm killing you, Silas," I say before standing there and watching them.

It was painful, truly painful.

"Are you guys fucking done?" I ask getting annoyed with all of the close calls, almost punching her in the face, stomach, and chest and she dogged everyone of them and threw a few herself, it was hot, well she was gorgeous but it was comforting to know that when I couldn't protect her- which I didn't plan on happening, She could protect herself.

"We are done, for today, see you tomorrow?" Silas asks, "Yes." She was wearing shorts and a sports bra which didn't help the want to punch Silas, I know he was looking at her, who wouldn't? "Enzo, follow me," she demands while walking inside.

"You don't have to eye me like I'm your prey, and you're hunting me, you already caught me." She says while filling a glass with water, "He obviously wants you." "Jealous?" I was, jealous but I wouldn't get caught dead saying it.

I can't keep my eyes off of her, she's gorgeous in every way possible, and some. "I'm not jealous." "Okay well stop looking at me like that." "You are so beautiful, Voglio piegarti e scoparti proprio qui." "You are such a dirty boy," she laughed while looking at me.

"You're going back to your house?" I asked dreading the question, "yes but I will see you tomorrow." "What did Rose say about us?" "She thinks your holding me hostage or abusing me," I walk closer to her, lifting her jaw so she was looking at me, "You know I'd never do that to you?" "I know, she doesn't which is why you have to meet her and keep that dirty, dirty mouth under control." She whispers before pulling herself up by my neck and kissing me.

I want to live in this moment forever.

but I can't because Elora's mother is locked up and she still doesn't know.

"Your mother, I couldn't live with her hanging over your head every day so I had them get her and take her, she's locked up at the base and I can't kill her or you'll inherit her Mafia, the serpents, and if I let her go she'll kill you." The color drained from her face, "So you would've killed her without telling me if I wasn't an heir?" "No, I would've told you, after she was dead." I say the last part under my breath, "that sounds like you."

She's not wrong, it is me. "It is, it's who I am, what do you want me to do?" "Let me talk to her, then you can kill her." "She's been the secret Mafia leader your entire life and in one day you want to run the whole goddamn thing? No."

"You keep doing that, writing off what I want, my decisions, if you let her go she'll kill me, I'd rather run a mafia than die?"

She doesn't get it, it's not like picking up a new job, it's not what she wants. "You can talk to her and then make your decision." "Great, can I go right now?" She is way too excited, "Go find Alessio." "Grumpus," she screamed while walking off.

What the fuck is a grumpus?

Alessio opens the cell door to my mother, I and Enzo walk in

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Alessio opens the cell door to my mother, I and Enzo walk in. "You finally spilled the secret, what's it gonna be pumpkin?" God, I hate my mother, "The serpents, clever of you, hide it until you can use it for leverage, sounds like you." He laughs at my words, "You always did know me so well, but Lorenzo Romano? I obviously don't know you."

"You know, Rose when she met me, she would tell me just keep swimming, because one day I would get the hell away from you and dad and I did, I have and here you are so many years later, trying to ruin my life, I won't let you." I smile before walking out of the cell, and Enzo follows.

"Kill her."

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