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*please, don't steal my work!*

Copyright © 2022 Samara Taylor.

All rights reserved!!!

I hope you enjoy my story ❤️


"Are we arrived yet?" I asked, rubbing my eyes softly with my knuckles. I probably fell asleep.

"Almost sweetie." Dad replied.

I looked out of my window and felt a chill all over my body, although the windows were closed.

"Iliana, sweetie put your stuff together. We're roughly there." Mom said.

"Okay." I put my bags near me and lay my hand bag on my shoulder.

As we reached, dad stopped the car when we entered in our place.

As soon as I opened the door, i came into contact with a cold breeze hit on my body hardly made me stumble on my feet.

I roamed my eyes around, this place was serene and quiet like there were no one except us. I saw some houses at a walking distance away from us.

A place looked like covered with tree which made this town more near to nature but much eerie. The sun was on its place but it seemed like it hadn't been working here. It's daylight but still this cold weather.

I held my coat tightly, more pulling it into my body. I seeked at our house. There were fence around it, dad opened the fence door, while me and mom walked with our bags to the house.

I was excited since now I would get my own personal room. My walk turned into run and i ran upstairs, grinning ear to ear to see my room with my bags.

"Slow down sweetie." Mom shrieked but i was too thrilled to even hear anyone.

And here it was, a room with a book shelf, a table and chair, a bed and cupboard. It was cosy and comfy. I didn't feel like its the first time I'm here, more like I'd been living here since decades.

I jumped on my bed and took a deep breath. I heard a thud and my heart stopped for a second. I looked around and there it was, a window.

' it must be a sound of wind.'

I took my steps forward and opened it. I scrabbled around and the view was so soothing. Breathing the fresh air made my body felt light.

"Iliana....come let's have something first." I heard mom and ran down.

"It'd be good if you unpack your things and place them at their respective places soon." Mom advised more like ordered. I nodded.

After putting my clothes in cupboard and settling all my stuff, i laid on the bed, sighed feeling heavy.

The sun was gone and the moon had come at its place. Before i could think anything, I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, i was out like a light.

"Mom..i going out." I crooned.

"Okay sweetie. Take care. And don't be late." She shouted from the kitchen.

"Okay mom. Bye." I beamed and opened the door, It sensed like the wind was a little boy, who had been trying to push the door with its full force and i accidentally opened it and it tumbled on me with all his weight.

I walked with my big coat, covering every inch of my body with it, my black combat boots and a wool hat with a pompom.

I scrutinized the place. It wasn't a big town but a small town with some similar houses. The people were nice to me, as they already knew that I'm new here.

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