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Me and Coco headed to our ---- i, Karisma and Coco's ---- secret base; the magical cave in between the trees, far from anyone's view.

"Heyy!!" Karisma jumped on me as she held me tight in her arms. "I missed you both." And gave a peck to Coco.

"We too." I cheered.

"Let's go in." She held my hand firmly and i took Coco in another one. First, we got to meet with the dark and then the shinning, brightening lights all over the enchanted place.

"I thought I was late, actually, Mr. Charles came to meet mom. I didn't hear what they were talking about since I was busy making a cup of tea for him." Karisma chatted as we sat on the rocks-cum-sofa, though they weren't chilled and hard instead they're warm and cosy.

"But you're always on time." I winked at her and she chuckled, "by the way who's Mr. Charles, your relative?" I contemplated.

"Nope, he's someone my mom knows, though, neither he's a relative nor a friend. He's in his 40s and you see my phone....." She showed it to me and i nodded, bewildered as i waited for her to continue. "He gifted it to me on my birthday this year."

"We don't have phones here, no one uses them. Every family has its landline telephones and we could only talk through it, nevertheless, i never needed it since I had no one to talk." She illuminated.

"But now, i have my own mobile phone and finally someone i could call and talk for hours and hours." She fanned her hands in the air with a bit of joy and smiled as she did a happy dance, later joining by Coco.

"So, what kind of a man he is?" I randomly asked.

"He behaves quite out of his age sometimes, like he's very the way he still looks handsome." She laughed.

"Even then, i find him strange. He was close to my mother...." She whispered, and then looked at me and continued as she satisfied herself that she could share with me anything, "....and they were in an intimate situation when I got in the room, abruptly."

"I thought, perhaps they both like each other, and i am sure they have done more than that. But one day, i registered he's not a good man at all, nonetheless he wasn't at fault. He has not only did that with my mother but also with me too." She stopped and took a breath. I waited for her to continue as i put my hands on hers.

"Did he force you to do it?" My voice came more low than i imagined it would be.

"No, i started it." She fidgeted with her fingers. "The other day, not so long ago, he came to meet mom but she went out to get something. I told him that, and he said he would wait for her, sitting on the couch. I made some coffee for him and also took some snacks as i usually do."

"We talked unusually normal, even though we don't talk much since he always comes in such a hurry. It was so out of the ordinary for me that, I started to have wild desires in my mind when i admired his Charming features, and a moment later, I found myself all over him -- everything was fast and i felt like i was unconscious, though i wasn't at all. We ended up in my room, lost in ourselves, and he slammed the door shut. Though i had a great time but i discovered myself waking up next day." She completed. She took a deep sigh and added, "Long story short, i don't regret that."

"Well, what about you? Tell me about yourself." I got that, she wanted to change the topic, so i did.

"I have nothing special." With that i told her about my past --- the fortuneless past --- and how we struggled through our life and now we ended up here, in this town.

"How did you meet this, cutie pie?" She asked as she embraced Coco in a tight hug. She liked him too, very much.

"I met him near my house. He was wandering around, so i kept him with myself. Now he's all mine." I passed a flying kiss to Coco, leaving the other information aside --- relating to Noah.

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