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"Are you alright?" They both said, simultaneously. I took a breath and nodded.

"Probably." I shrugged.

'You are dying from this pain; and you know that very well.'

"Let's go with me." Noah pulled me slowly with him but i held his hand to stop.

"I can't. I will do that in my room." I said, though, i knew i couldn't.

I couldn't have gone with him, yet i couldn't tell my parents either. My mom would definitely freak out and she would take me to the hospital at the very moment.

I wasn't able to make her anxious, just because of some wounds. She was too sensitive about me, sometimes i felt, i would make her sick because of taking so much anxiety all the time.

'I can't tell mom and dad about this.'

'Just go home and then think what to do.'

"Ohh!" Noah said, dramatically, i looked at him with knitted eyebrows. "And who would do that for you." He pointed his index finger at my back, narrowing his eyes at me.

I gulped, before replying to him, "obviously, who would? Mom." I lied, trying to look everywhere but at him; though, it was so impossible for me at that moment. I was feeling his eyes right on me.

'You can't lie to him! Come on.'

'But i can't let him do that, it's just too --- you know what I mean.'

'I know what you mean! You can't control your heart, body, soul around him!'

'Not now, please.'


Noah's expressions changed into fierce, his head creased and he shoot a look at me. "Really?" His voice had a sense of hurt and annoyance.

'I am telling you, you CANNOT lie to him.'

"I would do myself." I said straight.

'Are you kidding me! We all know you can't do that. You won't be able to turn your hand that round.'

He sighed, and dragged me with him, anyway. Like i didn't just stop him. Before i could do something, Chris pulled my other hand to stop us instead.

I looked in his direction, he was holding Coco in his other one, but his eyes were on Noah. I moved my face to look at Noah, and here was going on a staring contest.

'Wow...what am I supposed to do now!'

A fresh swell of rage rose in Noah, as he gave a -- most horrified -- death glare to Chris. He growled, "get your hand off of her!"

Chris's hand loosened and he put it right next to him, taking a step back. Though, i too was shivered under my body.

"Where would you take her? To that isolated house? Because i don't think you have any place, other than that one." Chris fretted, his eyes were filled with rage.

'No god! Stop this, please! This is going so wrong.'

Even though I was feeling bad after hearing what Chris said, how much had it been hurting Noah -- was i couldn't even imagine.
My eyes fell on him and a bit of anger and sadness consume me, as i looked at his expressions. He was unable to answer it but his features were showing how he felt.

He would've killed Chris, if i weren't there.

Noah wrapped his arms around me, and helped me to walk with him, after i took Coco from Chris' hand.

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