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' what..what he did just say?'

'no he can't be. He touched you stupid. and remember the movies, they are right.'

'are they?'

He moved towards me and took his steps closer. My heart beat got rapid, don't know because he said that he's a ghost or because he was so close to me.

"Ple..ase ... don'" i stuttered, Shivering. When he put his lips close to my neck, i shut my eyes tightly.

'is he going to bite me?'

'ohh he a...vampire!!?'

'or a ....warewolf !?'

'no god. I don't wanna die like this. I'm happy to being a human, i don't want to convert into a vampire or anything else.'

'please, save me god.'

I heard a loud laugh and instantly opened my eyes, looking at him. There he was laughing his ass off. He would've even rolled on the stairs, laughing, if he could.

'what..did he just prank on me!?'

"Youu...!!" I shouted with rage. Wanted to kill him right there and then, but i stopped myself. I didn't want to be the murderer.

"You're going to pay for this!" I ran out with the puppy while shouting these words at him.
"Mom, I'm home." I said, frustratingly and walked to my room.

I shut the door and jumped on my bed, throwing my hands and legs in rage.

"How could he do that. I won't leave him. Just pray Mr. Ghost that you would never meet me again or else you would regret meeting me for the rest of your life." I retorted.

The puppy came near me and snuggled up against me. I sided my anger after looking at its brown eyes. " let's give you a name."

I thought. "What about Coco?" I said excitedly. It whined and we named it, Coco.

"Come Coco, I'm starving. I wasted my strength on that Ghost boy." I talked to him and we ran downstairs.

I introduced mom and dad with Coco and they agreed to keep him. Finally I'd got a pet, which i always wanted. But we never had one since our financial status was not so good.

I remembered when I heard from mom that we're going to the another town, a week ago.

We're too contented when we got to know that. It was the best moment when dad took a lot of money with him that day and told us, he got promoted on higher level. Now he's going to pay well enough every month.

We had been living an austerity life since i was born or maybe much before than that. My father worked hard day and night but never got in his boss's eyes.

We had a small room with a kitchen and washroom. I was my parents only child, probably they knew that thay couldn't afford another one. Since it was hard for them to get me graduated. My mother saved money and father too, to made me complete my education. And this month i had already been finished my studies.

Now I was liable to work and I'd been ready for it. Everytime when I asked my parents to let me work and made me a bit helpful for them -- financially, they denied and wanted me to focus on my studies.

"Mom...i was wondering if now I could apply for a job." I hesitated.

"I won't deny. You should be independent and now you also graduated but if you're doing it to help us, then there's no need to do that." Dad replied with conviction.

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