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"When will your parents coming back, sweetie?" Mrs. Parker asked, while we're sitting on the couch with coffee mugs.

"Mom said they'll be back tomorrow."

"So why don't you stay here tonight."

"Umm...this is very nice of you but i think i should stay at home, what if mom-dad would come early in the morning, Mom would definitely be worrying then."

"Okay kid, as you say."

"Mrs. Parker, if you don't mind may I ask you something?"

"Ofcourse sweetie, Feel free to ask."

"You didn't tell Chris about your health, did you?"

"Oh....i didn't want him to be worrying. And i am fine now, so there's no point to tell him about that."

"Understood, i won't tell him anything." I smiled at her and she gave me a small hug.

"Mom, I've washed the dishes and cleaned everything. So you don't need to worry about things, okay?" Chris beamed walking through the kitchen towards us, he was wearing an cute little apron which was definitely not for his size but his mother's.

'he's looking cute though.'

"You're the best son in the world." Mrs. Parker grinned and kissed his cheek.

When Mrs. Parker realised the same - the apron- we both looked at each other and laughed.

"Ohh God my son! You're still a baby." She said between the laugh. He gave us a confused look, so Mrs. Parker pointed her index finger at his cute little dress.

I could see his ears turned red in embarrassment. He immediately removed it and Mrs. Parker took the apron from his hand.

'he is so perfect person. Everything he does is surpassing. He's kind of guy that every girl would love to have.'

"You two talk, i need to take some rest now." Before leaving to her room, Mrs. Parker hugged me and whispered "take care."
She turned to look at me and gave me a small chuckled which was loud enough to be heard and i giggled at that too.

"You too." I muttered to her and smiled.

"Here he is." Chris walked towards Coco -- who was sleeping on the couch peacefully. "He's with me, helping in my work in the kitchen and then he just left. Now I know he must have been tired of all the chaos." He smiled at coco, tickling him with his fingers but Coco was in deep slumber.

"He likes you a lot." I stated. "He's been more excited than me to come here."

He turned around before taking his steps close to me.

'what is happening?'

"So you're excited." He teased, leaning his face  since he was taller.

"N-no." I said nervously. He was quite close to me, and i was feeling anxious. "I-i-"

Before making me thing twice what to say, He laughed out loud and i couldn't believe he did prank on me.

'am i made for pranks or something?'

'why everyone loves to make me feel like this everytime and then make fun of me?'

"I am so sorry." He chuckled. "I hope I didn't offend you, Did I?" His face turned into a puppy face, his eyes had some kind of sparkle in them and i couldn't help but to forget about all this. My heart melted looking at his little kid's eyes.

'woahh! He's quite a charmer.'

"" He asked.


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