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"Mom, have you seen Coco?" Running on the stairs, i asked, as she was sitting on the couch  with dad, having a cup of coffee. She probably called me for breakfast this morning, but i was in a deep slumber, i didn't even hear her.

I woke up late today, and since I was awake i had been searching for Coco. He wasn't in the room. I thought he must have been with mom and dad, So the first thing i did was to ask them.

"No sweetie, he must be in your room." Mom shrugged, taking a sip from her mug.

"Is he not in the room?" Dad gaze fell on my expressions, puzzled. I shook my head in denial, my heart skipped a heartbeat.

"Don't worry, he must be at home. We look out for our cute little boy." Dad walked toward me, he assured me as he put his hand on my shoulder.

I nodded but it was the start of forming panic in me. I clutched my stomach as i started to seek out for him. A sense of fear trickled down my spine, an uneasy feeling filled me.

We searched every room, kitchen, bathrooms, and every single place in the house; not only once but two to three times. Yet Coco was nowhere to be found.

'Where are you, Coco?'

'He has never left me like this, ever.'

'Something is wrong.'

"I should go and check around the house." I fretted.

"Don't worry, he'd be alright. He is a strong boy." Dad words soothed me a little but that uneasy feeling was still captivating me.

I hummed, and ran out of the house like a light. I looked out every place, screaming his name with the top of my lungs. My vision went blurry, but i didn't let a single tear escape from my eyes.

'He is fine, you know how naughty he is, he is just playing with you.'

'Find him, and don't let him win this time. He's getting too prankish because everytime he wins.'

'But this time, i won't let him win. I'll find him. He is alright. He is fine.'

I rushed to Chris' House, with no hint of manners, i barged in. "Chris!" I shrieked.

"Yes... Iliana? What's wrong? Is everything okay?" His voice panicked as he sensed my features.

"I am fine. Have you seen Coco today?" I demanded, my breathing stuttered.

"No, I saw him when i visited your house, last time." He answered, "is he not at home?" His eyes darted on me and his expressions turned into serious when i shook my head.

"He's been missing since morning. Last night, i tucked him in his blanket and i only went to bed when i assured myself that he is asleep. But i haven't seen him since I wake up. I searched wherever i could, but he's nowhere to be seen." My voice cracked, as a lump stuck in my throat.

"Calm yourself down, we'll find him. I'll help you. Let's go." He reassured and we walked out to search Coco.

We asked in every house near us, i knew he would never go anywhere without me but still maybe someone had seen him.

"What do I do?!" A tear slipped down my cheek but i immediately wiped it.

'He is fine. Coco is fine. Do you hear me? He's fine. Don't cry like that.'

'I won't.'
The dark had consumed the light of the bright sky, but we still hadn't found no trace of Coco. I even tried to see his paws prints but there were none.

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