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Since i came here to find something that would help me to understand about this situation i had been; relating to that witch lady, that guy who ditched her and his family or any evidence that would make me comprehend why all this had been happening with me.

Why was she haunting me?

I shouldn't have lied to Noah about being in this haunted house. However, i thought I had to, probably he would not believe in anything I'd say.

Although it wasn't a complete lie. I knew he would be here whenever I'd need him, when I would be in any horrible situation he'd be there to get me out of it. As he always was.

"I wanted to know what happened last night." I asked a genuine question, I knew it wasn't my imagination but i wanted to know what he thought about that.

'If he said something that would give me a hint in order, he too thinks something is going wrong, subsequently I would tell him what is happening with me from the beginning.'

"What happened last night?" He repeated, his eyebrow pulled together.

"You came to my house and i was..." I shivered when my mind rushed through the memory.

"Ohh... I'm sorry, but why were you crying? Did something happen?" His eyes boring into mine with an actual concern yet i couldn't sense the lie in them.

'Did he really not see her?'

'But she looked at him, for sure.'

"Nothing, i was alone so.... just got a little scared." I shrugged off.

"You are a little girl, you scared of nothing but a couple second darkness." He teased with his usual smirk, making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"I am not a little girl, you ghost boy!" I countered as I looked at him with squinted eyes.
He said nothing but stared back in them.

He made the time stop at that moment somehow, or maybe I thought it would. I was hearing nothing but the sound of my own heartbeat, when he looked straight into my eyes with his Ocean Blue hues.

He must have heard the beats of my heart too, it was too loud like a thunder. I never knew the answer, why I always felt so different around him.

I perceived, how strangely my heart and body react when he's with me. He made me feel strong and weak at the same time with his presence.

I could live the rest of my life at this moment, but it had to end. It wasn't just a crush i thought I had on him, it was more than that, it was something I could die for; so I had to end the moment, else i would end up hurting my own feelings.

He had never felt the same, i guessed. It just was a simple liking for him or perhaps, I was thinking too much at that too.

"So...i should get going then." I turned my face from his and stated.

"Certainly, you were here to ask me this question? I thought you actually wanted to meet me." His face fell as he frowned, as his eyes were on the ground.

''First, you lied and second, you are not doing anything to make him feel not bad.'
'Extremely unbelievable you are.'

"I also was here to talk to you." I said abruptly, trying to lighten his mood.

"About what?" He asked, still his eyes were on the floor and not at me, making my heart urge for him, to just look at me and not anywhere.

'His mood is still the same. You're so bad Iliana, absolutely a bad person.'

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