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I picked up the jug in my hands, while i saw her hand gesturing toward me in a handshake, "I'm Blair." She repeated, when i didn't say anything.

I moved my hand for the handshake. I looked at her with raised eyebrows, as she clutched my hand in hers, firmly. I pulled it away after a few seconds. I was feeling her eyes on me, she didn't even blink at once and kept staring at my direction while i walked away to my room.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Clara; I've slipped on my way. Shall we continue tomorrow?" I asked, making my way to get some other clothes but turned my side to look at her for the answer, when the Seconds passed and she didn't reply. "Ms. Clara?" I called her name as i was seeing her lost in some thoughts while her gaze was on me.

"Y-yeah, sure." She nodded and walked out of the room, throwing her bag on her shoulder.



"You're looking happy today. Anything happened?" I asked, seeing a huge wide grin on Brad's face, while we were having our dinner. Our maids, usually did the home chores but when mum wasn't around they made two time meals for Brad and me too.

It wasn't just a normal smile, he was blushing; which he never did ever as far as I'd seen him.

"Can say that. I'll tell you about it later." He passed me a smile, lifting his head at me.

'Woah! Am i dreaming?'

I pinched my other hand under the table, and winced a bit when i felt a sharp pain at that spot and a little redness. I did pinch it so hard,  i wasn't trusting my eyes.

"Okhay." I raised my eyebrows, bewildered with his expressions and sound of talking. Someone must've casted a spell on him.

I finished my leftovers and went straight to my room. I passed a small growl, as i was reading a book, and my bedroom door knocked. "Coming." I muttered, and walked to it.

I pulled the door, facing that girl; Blair. "Brad's room is on the other side." I murmured, thought she got confused in this house. I had zero care about what she was doing at my house in the middle of the night.

"I'm here for you." Her voice was low and more  like seductive, despite, i didn't lift my eyes up from down as they were on the floor.

"Sorry, I'm not interested." I fretted, thinking; first, she interrupted my reading time and now God knows what was on her mind. I shut the door and walked to my bed, continuing what i was doing just a few minutes ago.

Another knock on the door made my head boil in annoyance. I marched, and threw open the door. "What do you want?" I groaned.

"You." Her expressions were serene, a wide grin plastered on her face while she looked at me. Her eyes glittering as they seemed to be stuck on me. She said it, ecstatically.

My eyebrows kneeted, while i observed her weird expressions. "I said, I'm not interested!" I reiterated.


I wasn't even interested in her talks, i just slammed the door and as already she had spoiled my reading session, i wanted to sleep now.



"I was wondering to study in a broad sunlight today, What do you think?" Ms. Clara counseled, sitting on another couch in the living room

"Okay, as you say so." I concurred.

She lifted her bag on her shoulder, while i held my books, papers and quill pen with the ink box. We headed out to the bench at the front yard of our house.

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