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Everyone went home, but i still stood there, looking at his grave. My tears had given up on me, but my heart didn't stop crying.

It's okay Coco, i would never let him harm you,
the words echoed in my head, making me hard to breathe as the rage filled my veins.
A sense of anger boiled in my stomach; i clenched my fist tightly, my eyes darted as i recalled his smell.

'You are going to pay for this Noah!'

Without thinking twice, i went to the haunted house. I was so furious, i just barged into the house, "Noah!" I called out his name, loudly.

"Noah! I know you're here, come out you bloody jerk!" I screamed. At this point, i didn't know how far i could go. My soul shivered every time whenever Coco's face came through my mind.

"Noah!!" I stormed into the room with big gate. All my anger shredded at the very moment when i looked at his figure, standing in front of me.

'I can't be weak. I've to be strong.'

'For Coco.'

His eyes met mine as he turned around, standing a few feet away from me. A betrayed tear escaped from my eye, as i walked to him.

"You should've confront me. You should've asked my soul, instead of his. You should've killed me, not him!" Tears rolled down my eyes as i felt a lump in my throat.

"Shhh.." his eyes tensed, as he put his finger on my lips to stop me and electricity rushed through my body, as i shuddered under his touch.

'Don't come into this. He never loved you. He was manipulating you from the very beginning.'

'I can't. Even if whatever he did to me, if all the time we spend was just a manipulating game for him, I forgive him. It was me, who fell for him. He never said anything about loving or liking me.'

'Because he never did. He was using you.'

'I don't care about myself. But, he shouldn't have dragged Coco in this!'

I jerked him away, "Don't touch me!" Though, he didn't move but his hand fell on his side. His eyes were gloomy, and stiff.

"You shouldn't have done that to him! You shouldn't ---" my voice cracked, as the tears streamed down like a waterfall. My body was so tired that i abruptly fell on the floor.
Noah immediately sat next to me, embracing me into his arms.

I cried out loud, as every inch of my body melted under his touch.

For me, he had always been my safest place, he was home to me. Yet i felt like a traitor, who was still feeling the same thing for him, still after knowing what he did to Coco. However, somewhere, a part of my heart was screaming that he didn't do any of it. He wasn't the one who hurt him.

But what about his smell? Why didn't he deny anything when i just stood there accusing him about the things he never did; if he actually never did that?

'Be strong for Coco.'

'Don't betray him, he's the only one who has ever loved you, unconditionally.'

My thoughts gave me strength and i pulled myself from his arms. Standing on my feet, as i took a step back from him. "You know what you are? A monster. A real monster. I hate you, Noah. I hate you! The hate that i ---" I cried out and walked right away from there.  I couldn't confess at the very worst moments of my life.

Until i left, his expressions were calm yet his eyes were softly looking at every piece of my face. But i had to run away, another moment with him, could easily make me a biggest traitor ever in this world. His effect on me had been more powerful than my own.
whenever he's around me, no matter how much i stop myself, i had always failed.



"Hey." Passing a smile, Chris sat beside me on the bench, as my eyes were fixed on Coco's grave. "He must be enjoying in heaven. He was the purest soul I've ever seen."

With his words, my lips curved into a small grin. 'He was too pure to be alive in this cruel world.'

I was recalling every day that we spend together. Every minute. Every second.

"Let's go home. He wouldn't be happy, looking at you from the sky." Chris soothed, and i nodded.

In all my misery, i didn't remember to tell Karisma about Coco. I was not in my senses at all, so the first thing i did after coming home was to call her. We both cried together, remembering him. Yet she also comforted me again and again, but i knew she was too devastated after hearing about Coco.

"I think, this is all because of that woman." She stuttered in her breath, as i felt the chills in her voice.

'I don't think so. Because, Noah didn't deny my accusations.'
I passed a small sarcastic chuckle at my own thought.

"I don't know who did that to him, but i hate that person, and i would never forgive them even not after my death." I stated in my hiccups.

"Take care of you. Let's meet soon whenever you want, just let me know. I'm always free for you, no matter what the time is." She reassured. I hummed before we hung up.



Next day, i went to meet Karisma. I wanted her help. I wanted to end this lady and her existence from this world. If Noah had done that with Coco, it eventually had gone to that Woman. If she would be finished, then Noah would get rid of this curse and his soul could leave this world.

'Yet, still you're trying to help him.'

Whereas, the thought of him, not being around me, was aching my heart. I wanted to sell my soul with him if this could be possible, but i couldn't be selfish. I wanted my parents to be happy, not fell in guilt that i died because they came in this town.

"Tell me if your mom could help us to finish her?" I stated right away. Her eyes widened in shock, then she blinked and her gaze fell on the ground.

"I told you, she and my mother are best friends." She repeated.


"What do you mean by They ARE best friends?" I asked.

"As i told you before, she is died, but not her soul. My mother talks to her sometimes, i don't know about what." She replied, figeting her hands.

"You can say, my mother is the second invincible witch after her. My mom had ---" Karisma's voice stuck, as a tear fell from her eye. A sense of worry rushed over me, since i didn't know what was coming. I put my hand on hers.

" -- mom had traded my father's soul to make herself immortal. The only person she has ever loved, is her bestfriend. That woman taught my mother about witchcraft, they both were called, two bodies but one soul. And as you can see, if that woman's soul would stop existing, my mother would eventually die too, perhaps." She completed, her breathing was calm, but her hands were shaking as i had been holding them in mine.

"And mom would never let you, or anyone else, to hurt her bestfriend. Not just because she would end up in hell as well, but because she never wants that woman to leave her side." She added. I passed her the bottle of water, and after she sipped some of it, i hugged her tight.

'She has lost her father. And that too was because her mother wanted to be immortal.'

'Did she never love him? Or maybe she loved her bestfriend more than anyone.'

'I don't know, if i feel remarkable, seeing their bond, or feel sorry for how evil their minds are.'

"I am sorry. I can't help you." Karisma cried out, wrapping her hands around me.

"You don't need to say sorry for anything, you've always been the best to me." I patted her shoulder, slowly, making her comfortable.


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