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'No god! Please... don't tell me my house has some Ghost issues.'

'COCO!!.. Please keep him safe!'

The lights started flickering themselves and i got the horror movie vibe at the very instant. The sound of tapping window glass kept all my attention and i gulped turning my neck towards it; the breezes were making the banging sound on the window.

'i need to get out of here first and look for Coco.'

I took small steps and opened the door without any scary scene. I ran to Coco and he jumped in my arms. The music got stopped.

Suddenly, the lights went out and everything went dark. Coco yelped, buring his head in my arms. "It's okay Coco. We're fine."

I tried to pull myself together and find a source of light. I could barely see anything and resorted to waving my arms in front of me to avoid bumping into any furniture. The bright moon was high in the clear sky. There were no lights in any of the windows. Instinct led me to the kitchen cabinet where I could remember my mother storing some candles for emergencies. All the inhabitants were asleep.

I was alone at home with Coco and that thought was enough for clench my stomach. After a considerable amount of groping, the tips of my fingers came into contact with a waxy candle. I grabbed it immediately with relief and quickly lit it.

When i lifted my eyes from my candle, a creepy white thin face, with dark black and a mixture of red eyes, appeared in my view. I screamed out in horror and that thing disappeared in a flash. I tried to step back but my legs got wobbly with fear.

'it was just some kinda imagination of yours.'

'don't think about it! Don't think about it!'

I began to ponder what could be the cause of the blackout. However, I was not scared, as this was not the first time I had been alone. But our former house was meager and i never got this terrible vibes there, like i was facing right now.

The sound of something being moved around upstairs instantly diverted my attention. The hairs behind my neck stood on ends.
The thing i had just seen a few seconds ago appeared in my mind and i was in the complete state of panic.

I heard the door bell. Not wanting to open the door cause i knew mom and dad wouldn't be the ones who rang the bell. And it was almost mid night, apart from that i only knew Mrs. Parker and she would be sleeping at this hour.

'then who's that?!'

'see it didn't ring again, means it's just the wind.' i ensured myself but before feeling relief, the bell rang again. My heart leaped into my throat. My dear tormented me, i held Coco firmly while joining my cold and clammy hands together.

'be with me god!'

I held the candle in my hand -- i didn't know where's its stand -- not carrying about the hot wax dropping on my fingers cause they were already numb.

I took my steps along with candle, careful to not get tripped and hurt myself. I put the candle aside and lifted my hand to open the door. I moved the bulge and pull the door slowly.

All my fear vanished right away. "I already knew it. You're a stalker! Why are you here?" I sighed. After seeing him, standing in front of me, a sense of relief spread in my body.

'aren't you feeling eased!'

'Cause somewhere in your heart, you wanted him to be here!'

He hid his smile and looked at me. "I'm here to ask you if you're okay?"

'woah man! He's so incredibly sweet!!'

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