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After having a nice chat with Mrs. Parker, i walked to our house with Coco, engaged in my thoughts.

'you literally don't wanna go there?'

'it's okay, It's not a big deal; whatever happened.'

'what!! Not a big deal!, it is a big deal.'

'ohh come on, he immediately pulled himself back, maybe when he realised what he's doing.'

'that means...he didn't want to come close to me.'

'means.. he's not interested in you.'
my face fell at the very thought.

I heard Coco's bark and pulled myself from my inner conversation. "What happened Coco? You okay?" I asked in concern.

But he barked looking straight, that's what made me realise where were we, i was standing in front of the most horror thing; the isolated house. The creepy part was, it was already dark now and the house looked more horrifying than ever.

I widened my eyes in horror. "What am I doing here!?" My heartbeat started beating fast when I remembered, i was going to my house but i didn't realise and got here.


'how you always end up here?'

I tried to back my steps to my way but it felt like the house was calling me. The ground under my feet, held me tightly and trying its best to not make me go away from here.

When i attempted to move out, my whole body gave up on me and i felt a shiver all over myself when a cold breeze touched my body. it felt like It went under my, thickest, clothes.

'no Iliana! Noo!! Don't go!'

My inner voice shrieked but my feet took their steps toward the creepy thing, My terror mounted with every step. I felt like a puppet and couldn't help my moves.

When i took my steps onto the sagging front porch like my weight was so heavy for it to take.

I opened the door and its sound made me trembled inside. The house was dark and not even the moonlight was with me, since the moon was nowhere in the sky.

I felt a push and the next moment i was in the house and the door slammed shut. My heart leaped into my throat.

I was unable to see anything not a single light was there. My feet made their way; not even asking my permission. I searched my phone in my pockets and turn on the flash light.

The eerie silence made me surpassed a shiver. The cold breezes were making their ways all around through the broken window. The curtains flying in the air, and i almost felt like a shadow hidden in it. A full body form.

I gulped and moved towards it, just like people watch in horror movies. I always called them idiots to go at the scary places but now i was feeling them. You couldn't stop yourself at those times, just like i was stuck in my body.

I moved my shaking hand forward to the curtain, with a chilly sweat on my head, i lifted it. There was nothing, no one. I took a sigh and a hand on my accelerated heart.


"What's that!?" I widened my eyes in horror when i heard the sounds were coming from the upper floor.

"It's okay Coco." I held Coco firmly as he's barking, looking up.

'how could you make it assure when you, yourself are not fine at all.'

I slowly walked further, and started taking my steps on the stairs. I moved towards the room where I was at that scary night.

'Every night is scary here.'

ISOLATED HOUSE Where stories live. Discover now