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ILIANA'S POV Continues....

I didn't know i was crying, till he cupped my face to make me look at him. He wiped my tears with his thumbs and looked right into my eyes. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me in my whole life." The more his words were appealing to my ears, the more my heartbeat was getting rapid; and fast, as in, that wasn't normal for a normal human being to have such fasten rapid heartbeats.

A crimson red blush washed over my face and i couldn't help but having a urge to kiss him right there and then. However, that was the best option, but i still couldn't do it. "I understand that why Chris can see you, since he's a wizard; But why am i--" i stopped. I was too bewildered to make up the words.

"Other than witches, wizards or the ones who have some kind of different powers; only a few normal human beings have seen me so far and you are one of them." Noah said. He put my head on his shoulder, caressing my hair with his hand, he continued, "The people who came to live at Blair's house, sometimes came around this one too, just like you did. Everything was fine at the beginning while they were seeing me. Maybe one or two of them even come to talk to me but i always have walked away. And the next thing i got to know was, they're dead." He placed his hand on mine, while taking a deep sigh.

"But why me?" The question was still digging into my head.

'Why did she leave me? Why am I still not dead?'

'Woah girl! I think you're desperate to die. You know what? you can, but i want to live, please.'

'It's not like i would die and you won't. We are in this together, sweetie.'

'Oh My! Save me from this witch, please.'

"I can never let anything happen to you." He kissed my temple for longer than a few seconds. Still his gestures were too much for me, as the rabbits jumped into my stomach like they were dancing on a Taylor Swift song. My body shook as the shiver surpassed through me.

I lifted my head to glance at him, but my body was still covered into him. "But i still have so many questions." I frowned.

His lips curved into a grin while he buried my face into the crook of his neck, and rubbed his hand in my hair, "I'll answer them all." Those words relaxed me. I wrapped my hands tight around him and let the moment stop.




"I missed you so much." Karisma hugged me tight before we entered into our den.

"So, tell me what's going on?" She inquired, as we sat on our comfort places.

"I want to stop her." I said straight, like it was a piece of cake, but deep down my heart skipped a beat with just the thought of it.

"Are you kidding me?! No one can stop her. Are you listening to me, NO ONE CAN STOP HER!" She reiterated, her body shaking with the fear.

"You are right, no one can stop her, except the only one person." I stated, my shoulders broad and chin lifted.

"And who's that person, may i ask?" She said, with a polite smile but it was more like sarcastic.

"YOU." I didn't know, i had been holding my breath, until i found myself exhaling sharply.

"WHAT!!!?" She yelled, standing up from her place and took a few steps back in horror.

i bet she's going to be more evil than me and Blair; I've seen that spark in her.
Victoria's words rushed through my mind again and again. And i knew if she was saying that, there's something different in Karisma that she herself didn't know about it yet.

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