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I held Karisma's hand in one and Noah's hand in the other. We sat on the bench, i was in the middle while they both were on either side of me.

"So..Noah.." i hesitated before saying my next words, since now, i myself had seen that Karisma couldn't see Noah, and Noah would definitely be going to say that how could she stop Blair, if she couldn't even see him. I took a breath, "Karisma is going to stop both of them." I murmured, my voice was not even visible to me.

He gave me the 'are you listening to yourself?' look. Though, before Noah could say, Karisma said those exact words, that had been going on in our minds  "I can't even see him, how could I be able to stop them!!?" She exclaimed in her usual self.

"Exactly." Naoh breathed.

I took another deep breath and squeezed their hands in each one of mine. "Don't you guys trust me?" It was the time for my acting skills.

"But---" they both said simultaneously, although, i was the only one who could hear both of them. Apart from me, Noah could see and hear Karisma too but Karisma couldn't.

"Guyss!! Trust me, please!!" I emphasized on my last word a little bit more and looked at them with pleading eyes, one by one.

They exhaled at the same time and hummed together.

'What is this? Are they twins or something?'

'But this is so funny!! Hahaha!'

"And what's the plan?" Again the same reverberating voice of both of them in unison. I didn't know if Noah had noticed it, but it was funny and cute both at the same time.

"I'll tell you, when i have one." I muttered, fidgeting my fingers.

"Really!!?" Their voices hit the eardrums of both of my ears together, and all i could do was sighing.

I couldn't say anything but passed a sheepish yet puppy smile.

I lied. I had a plan, but i couldn't tell in front of Noah, he would never agree with it. Yet he would never let me do that, it was too risky.




"Did you just lie in front of him?" The first question Karisma asked, when we walked away from Noah. I told him i would be there in a minute but he never trusted that haunted house or even its surroundings. Karisma told me that she had no interest to look in that place until she's confident enough, and she wanted to go back home.

'This is called friendship!'

"No, i didn't." I whispered dramatically but i guessed a new born baby's acting would be better than mine.

Since i knew it was a failed attempt when she looked at me with narrowed and squinted eyes, I blurted. "Hmm, i don't want him to know about it, he'd never agree with me."

"So, then what's the plan?" She nodded and shrugged off.

"Actually i don't know it fully, it mostly depends on you." I pressed my lips into a thin line.

"And how is that?" She looked at me while lifting her eyebrows, questionably. The streets weren't crowded, or i say maybe i just had seen a single person walking toward his own way without lifting his head up from his mobile screen.

I took a deep breath before saying anything, "see...if you read and understand, through some books of your mom, about how to do it all. I mean search this things like; how to get back someone into life? And, how to stop an already dead witch? You're getting me, right?" My way of uttering these questions were over dramatic and extravagant. I made gestures with my hands, like a superhero ready to throw invisible red ball, and the villian lag deadly after the hero threw it on him.

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