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After getting to know what Karisma was, nothing even changed between us.
I didn't ask any questions, thought it wasn't the right time.

'She would tell me when we meet again, anyway.'

I had to talk to Chris, it was a long time and he had been apologizing everytime we met. Mom and dad invited him for dinner from last couple of days. They also understood the tension between us, mom even asked me if i had a fight with Chris. I told her that it was just a little one and It'd be over soon.

'He's already having a very hard time.'
'And now, you should forgive him.'

'I know whatever he did wasn't right, but you can see how miserable he looks since he's done that.'

"Let's go Coco, we are going to meet Chris." I declared, sitting on my knees, running my fingers through his furr.

We walked out together, heading toward Chris' house. I rang the bell, waited for him, but seconds passed and no one responded. There was no lock on the door, either; so i rang the bell, again. Still no response.

"I think he's not home." With a sigh, i and Coco went down the porch. As we head back, a sharp CLICK sound came from the backyard, pierced through my ear.

I held Coco, though it wasn't dark yet, but i still had a sense of fear in my heart. I walked around the house and roamed my eyes all over to see Chris, when I went to the backyard.

'He isn't here, Then where did the sound come from?'

'Maybe, you imagined it, or it was just these cold breezes.'

'Let's go back then.'

I turned around, just to stand still in my position when i heard that sound again. My hands started shivering, a chill rushed over me.

I moved to follow the sound. I started panicking when i discovered it was coming from under the ground. I jumped on my place, when i heard it again.

It was more like, someone was pushing the nail, through the hammer, on a board or a wall.
I followed the sound, clutching Coco firmly. I ended up on the wall of Chris' House, it sensed to me like something was happening underground in his place. 

Coco barked and i took my steps back, running to my house as fast as possible.

I took deep breaths, when I went up to my room, putting my hand on my increased heartbeat.

"You heard it too, didn't you?" I asked, facing Coco. He let out a sound and i knew it was a yes.

'Is there any underground room here?'

'Does he know about it?'

'I haven't heard anything relating to this, though.'

'Should i ask Chris? Should I tell him about this?'

I was so confused about how to process everything. An underground room, seriously? Contemplating on what to do next, i had an idea of what if we also have that kind of room in our house.

'Shall i check in our backyard too?'

'I should not take Coco with me. I don't want him to be in any kind of danger. Even if we have one underground room or not, i should go by myself.'

"Come on, Coco, let's take you to bed." I announced, putting him under the blankets. "You must be tired."

Minutes passed and finally when i satisfied myself that he's asleep, i gave him a peck on his head and walked out of the room.

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