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I could hold this heart break no longer, i fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as my grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.

"What am i doing? Why is this happening to me?" I sobbed, while Coco went over my lap and snuggled against me. I wrapped my hand around him and tried to stop my tears but it was too rigorous for me at this moment.

'Stop it, please, you can't cry anymore. It's hurting so much!'

'Mom would be home in a minute, get up and wash yourself before she'd see you in this breakdown.'

'At least, you can't make her worry for you.'

I washed my face, thought to go back to the market before mom come back, but i guessed it was too much for me to even think about it.

"You didn't bring the groceries?" Mom enquired.

"I got lost, there are so many streets here! I'll go tomorrow early."

"Okay, as you say. So where did you go? How was the place?" She chatted as i helped her in chopping.

"Nothing but this town is quite mysterious. Every street has something different." I said, while thinking it all through.
"I want us to hang out sometimes, i wanna go to the mall. It's been ages, since I have been in one." I added.

"Of course, Sweetie, Whenever you want, just let me know." She agreed instantly, her lips curved into a warm smile.

Next morning, as i promised i went for the market and took the left street. My ankle was fine, just two-three percent itching i was feeling at it. Overall, it was as good as before.

'Sometimes right is not always right.'

I saw the shops -- there was not a supermarket here, different shops for different stuff, though, they were little and cosy, the people were friendly too. I took all the things i needed, and took my steps back to my way. "We have to get back there, since we're going to meet our new friend as we promised her, right Coco?"

I giggled when he woofed back in reply.

Walking on the path, my gaze went on Chris, who was standing at the porch, clutching some kind of bag. I hesitated but i had to apologise to him for my behaviour. "Heyy ...." I waved at him while crossing Mrs. Parker's house.

He lifted his head up to look at me. "Where are you coming from, cutie pie?" He tickled Coco and pouted.

"Went for shopping." I showed the bag i was holding and sighed.

"Let me help you." He grinned and took the bag from me while we walked to my home.

'Such a gentleman.'
'And you talked so badly to him yesterday while he was just trying to help you.'

"I- i am sorry for how rudely i behaved yesterday!" I said, sincerely.

"It's all fine, i know you were in pain. And i shouldn't have insisted this much, i am sorry too."

"No, don't have to, you were just trying to help." I felt so bad and he was still being so kind.

I opened the door and uttered "Come in." but he shook his head, "I'll see you later, i have some work, bye." He walked straight after waving at me.

After handing the bags to mom, i stated "okay, see you later."

"But where are you going?" She asked, seeing that i was being too hurried.

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