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"Good morning, sweetie. Wake up." Mom's voice echoed through my ears as my mind was coming into reality. I felt her hand caressing my cheek, my eyelids blinking a few times, while the sun was blinding me with its rays.

My lips automatically curved into a smile, when mom's face came into my view. She tilted her head to give me a kiss on my forehead. "Bless you, my Princess." She said softly.

She stood up, folding the blanket, "Chris came last night, he was asking for you. He was looking worried. Did you two have a fight again?" Mom inquired, engaged in wrapping the another sheet.

Last night memories rushed over me. I jerked up straight on my bed. A cold sweat covered my body when i recalled the conversation of Chris and Victoria.

"Come down fast, we're waiting for you for breakfast." Mom said, before exiting the room.

'How could Chris be such a Cruel!?'

'Why didn't Noah tell me, he didn't do anything? Why did he let me be in dark?'

'Maybe he has his reasons for all this.'

'You have always been the devil, yet no one has ever --- I've never -- noticed your real face, Chris!'

'He must've started being suspicious on my visit yesterday! I can't let him have a single doubt on me, not yet!'

'I won't let him go that easily Coco. I'll never forgive him!'
I wiped the tears from my cheeks and went straight to take a shower. I wanted to think everything through before making any move and what was the other best option than letting the warm water falling on my body, soothing and relaxing it.



"Did you come last night?" Chris' eyes were normal like he had never done anything wrong, yet i knew how tensed he was after knowing my visit and that too was on yesterday night. "I saw the dish on the table, and just by the smell, i knew it was made by your mother. She has a taste in her hands." He commented.

'How fake you are Chris!'

I too passed a fake smile, as we were sitting on the couch of his house. He handed me the cup of tea, and i let it stay on the table. I had started my trust issues with him. I couldn't drink a tea, when it was made by a most vulgar person ever. "Yes..i put that on there, the door was opened, though i called your name but you didn't answer. So, i thought to put it on the table and went back home." I said.

'I hope, I'm not a terrible liar!!'

"Thank you, you're literally very sweet." He glazed over at me, his eyes shinning, making him a most adorable person you would ever see.

'Fake! Fake! Fake! I even doubt his existence now!'

"I went for a small walk. i probably forgot to lock the door." He ran his fingers through his hair, nonchalantly. Another disgusting feeling washed over me, as i looked at him.

"Actually, i was looking at the album of my family's pictures last night. How cute mom was looking in them, carefree yet her sweet smile could make anyone smile too." He frowned, clutching his hands together, trying to wipe a fake tear that i hadn't even seen falling through his eye.

"I know, she doesn't deserve what she got in her life." My words were almost sarcastic, on the other hand i was feeling sorry for Mrs. Parker in my heart.

"I agree. At the end, i hope she's having a good time up there." He pointed up his index finger, looking upwards. I followed his gaze, passing a sad smile.

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