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I didn't know he would ever say that. I thought he'd be fine, not talking to me.
'Is this really troubled him?'

'But why would he care if i talk or ignore him?'

'He should be relaxed that, i atleast am not bothering him.'

"Why do you care?" I blurted. "Don't you also want that?"

"What are you saying? Why would i want to ignore you or that you ignore me?" He exclaimed.

"Because you don't like me! Obviously!" Even just a thought of that, annoyed me.

"What!? I ---" He went silent for a second and stated "you're getting it all wrong, it's not like that."

"Stop fooling me, please." I whispered and a betrayed tear rolled down my cheek.
"You even regretting doing that." I mumbled to myself.

But somehow he heard me, "Doing what?" He asked, bewildered. "Wait, are you talking about ---" he stopped in between and moved forward, pulling my hand, grabbing me into his arms and pushing my body gently at the wall, as he put his lips on mine.

I was off guard, our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together. I could taste our shared breath, feel the thud of our combined heartbeat.

He broke the kiss after we went out of breath, and put his head on mine while we both were taking the deep breaths to feel ourselves.

He moved his fingers and took the strands of my hair behind my ear, making me shiver under his touch. He lifted my face and locked his eyes with mine. "I never regret anything about you." He said with determination.
And I knew that these words would never be false, the way he said that.

The rays of the brightening sun fell on me, i rubbed my eyes while getting up. My lips curved into a huge grin as i recalled last night. My fingers automatically moved to touch my lips and felt like I'm still having a soft taste of him.

"I am walking on air, everything is going great these days. I hope all days would go just like this." I blushed and prayed in my heart.

After getting ready, me and Coco descended the stairs joyfully as we ran for the breakfast.

"Slow down kids." Mom exclaimed while putting the plates on the dinning table. "Woahh! What's going on girl?" She narrowed her eyes at me, at her reaction i raised my eyebrow in question.
"Your face is looking like a Tomato." She teased and i felt embarrassed yet shy.

'Ohh god, Iliana! Stop blushing!'

"Did something happened between you and Chris?" She said, playfully.

"No mom, Chris is my friend." I stated. She was getting it wrong but i thought not to tell her about Noah, since it was just a kiss and it's not like something was going on between us.

'But was it JUST a kiss!?'

"Fine!" She sighed and didn't say anything after that.

All day went with mom, Coco and i helped her in all the chores, after that we prepared dinner for tonight. "Mom, we are heading up to the room, see you at dinner."

"I'm going to meet Mrs. Parker, you wanna come with me?" She asked.

"You go, I'll meet her later."

"Does someone else want to join!?" She tilted her head to Coco with a sheepish smile, as she knew how much he liked Chris, and he would never say no to that.

"You betrayed me, boy." I narrowed my eyes at him.
As expected Coco and mom went out together happily, one to meet Mrs. Parker and the other to meet his favourite, loving guy.

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