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As both the men were so engrossed in their livid situation and staring each other like, they would be punching the other one if i weren't there.

"Chris..!" I bellowed, so their staring competition would get end. They both looked at me and our little cute Mr. Coco too; Noah's eyes were warning me if i dare to go with Chris and Chris' were so soft making hard for me to resist him.

'You absolutely are not in normal situation, Iliana.'

"Chris, i was thinking if we could go tomorrow?" I pleaded him, trying to made him understand.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds, then  showed his small smile "Okay, only because you're saying this."

'Thank God!'

"But on one condition," He squinted his eyes, making me chuckle.

"Whatever you say, sir."

"You're going tomorrow with me and not only for some hours but your whole day would be mine." He pointed his finger at me and i nodded.

His words were somewhere too weird to listen, but i shrugged off the thought and grinned.

He looked at Coco and added "yours too cutiepie." Coco snuggled against him in happiness and i couldn't help but to admire how much Coco like this guy.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow -- i promise." I added immediately, passing a sweet smile.

After he left, i closed the door and let myself sat on the couch, while Coco followed me.

"You're not going with him tomorrow," Noah asked more like it was a command for me. "Are you?"

'Why does he even bothering to ask?'

"I am!" I stated firmly.

I remembered how he made fun of me just some minutes ago. "And you!...what do you think you are?"

"A Handsome hunk." He shrugged off with an attitude.

'Well, i can't even say no!'

"I mean why did you do that?" I stared at him in annoyance and he shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

"What? I didn't do anything. Are you talking about That Jerk?" He said furiously the last words.

"Shut up Noah, he's such a nice guy, don't call him that." I protested. Like, how could he say that, he didn't even know him and Chris was the sweetest guy I'd ever met.

Noah was annoyed now, i could sense the heat coming from his head. He darted his eyes on me, while moving towards me.

I was sitting on the same couch as him and as i recalled the same moment happened between us when we were on the same couch in that haunted house, i immediately stood up.

"I get you something." I said nervously. His eyes didn't leave me but i took my steps forward to the kitchen.

As i moved, i felt a cold hand touched my wrist and pulled me around. I got to come face to face with Noah, he was just inches away from me.

My adrenaline rushed and heart started beating like it would come out of my chest. My whole body got chilled and shivered. I lost my senses to think or to act for few seconds.

"N-Noah....what are you doing!?" I whispered as i came back to my senses finally. The closeness with him was too much for me everytime.

Didn't know it was because he was the first guy, i was so closed with or something else.

He was looking into my eyes with his intimidating and sensitive ones. There were not only anger but some sensitive emotions, like he was pleading to me with them. They were soft and scary both at the same time.

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