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It was my first kiss. It was too special to me and i found myself blushing. My cheeks got turned red and my lips curved into a small smile.

'He kissed you!!...what if he likes you !??'

'Ohh god ... does he!?'

He looked straight into my eyes, his ocean blue eyes wasn't leaving mine. That sweet smile on his face replaced with the regretted one. He made a distance all of a sudden, making me frown. His expressions changed with every second passing.

'Did he deplore this?'

'Am i a bad kisser or something?'

'Was the kiss that bad for him?'

My tears streamed down my face and anger consumed me. Without even looking at him, i ran out as fast as possible.

I just ran and ran until i found myself locking my room door and sliding down while crying. I heard Mom, shouting my name but i was so engrossed in my rage.

'It was a mistake for him.'

'The situation made him do it.'

'He never wanted to kiss you.'
'He never wants to kiss you.'

The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky. I looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. I wiped my tears while washing my face and made my hair into a ponytail.

'Put yourself together, this is not a big deal for him as it is for you.'

With a fake smile, i descended the stairs.
"You alright sweetie?" Mom asked, i guessed she knew that i cried. But i had to lie, anyway.

"I am fine mom, What would happen to me?" I said with a chuckle to avoid more questions. "Ohh this guy works so hard, look at him he must be tired." I looked at Coco while he was sleeping. He never left any chance to make my mood lift up, even if he'd been sleeping.

"Did you call Chris?"

"Oh god! I forgot, he must be back now, I'll go and take him with me." With that, i marched to Chris'house, after waving to Mrs. Parker and mom.

I thought not to call him since i knew if i would stay a minute longer, mom would again start to questioning me. She always got to know my state.

I knocked on the door after i saw the lights were on, through the window.

"Hey!" I greeted.

"Hii, come in." He looked at me, his hair were messy and wet. Probably, he just took a shower.

"When did you come back?" I asked while we both sat on the couch.

"Just half an hour ago, i thought to take a shower before coming." He shrugged.


"Coming for dinner. Mrs. Cooper called me at the evening and told me that mom is there with her." He said, while giving me a glass of water.

'My dear, lovely mother.'

"Uhh...i forgot to tell you about that." I rubbed my temple and he gave a fine smile to me.

"It's alright, not a big deal."

"Let me just dry my hair and we'll good to go." He said and i nodded. He had his Cheshire cat smile on his face, but something was telling me that he had a quite angry in himself. He was seeming like he's frustrated and he was hiding it in a very well way. His eyes had evil vibe but i wondered how it could be possible since we're talking about Chris!

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