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Coco ran to me as soon as he saw me, "hi, cutie pie, where were you?" I caressed his fur.

"We went to meet Chris. I made pasta, so i took some of it for him. Poor guy, he was looking like he'd cry when he saw me." Mom bawled. Chris had been doing really hard to survive all alone, or say, that's what i felt when I saw him.

"I should probably go and see him. It's been a long time since we last met." I said, contemplating. 'It would be cool, if i go, he'd feel better.'

"Wanna join?" I side eyed Coco, i knew he'd already be upto this, still i teased him. He jumped into my arms, snuggling against me. I let out a giggle, seeing him so desperate to meet Chris, although, he'd just come after meeting him.

"Okay mom, see you later." I stated, and walked out of the house. I heard mom shouting, "at least have some pasta." Yet i was out, now. I headed on my way.

"Hey." I exclaimed, giving him a enthusiastic smile.

"Hi." He whispered, looking pale. His hair was messy, there were some wrinkles on the corners of his eyes, eyebags and a dull frown.

He must have been trying very hard. My heart felt dismayed, looking his smily face. "Come in." He gestured. "Nice to meet you, again." He passed a chuckle as Coco snuggled.

Looking around, i missed how Mrs. Parker always came with her sweet smile, bringing cookies, coffee to me. This house wasn't feeling like home without her. I missed her too much.

I knew she liked me. She always treated me like a daughter. Us, talking with each other --- She, telling me her old stories; me, being a good listener, laughing and creeping out on parts of them -- with some delicious snacks, obviously made my her.

'I never thought, she'd go so soon.'

It was almost bizzare, since she wasn't seemed to me like someone who would go this early. She was enthusiastic and lively, even more than me. She wanted to live her life with her son, peacefully. Yet, she didn't get the chances to do it in much better way.

"Here's your coffee." Chris handed me the mug, holding one for himself in other hand. I didn't realise when did he go and make it for me, i was so engrossed with Mrs. Parker's memories.

"Thanks." I smiled, sipping a small amount of it. Coco was having his own food too, in a small bowl. I wondered, Chris bought it for him.

"How have you been doing? It feels like eternity since i met you." He exhaled with a small grin.

"Better. What about you? I've trying to meet you but you're so busy." I ranted, looking his dull posture. "Are you okay?" I asked in concern.

He nodded, "yeah... I've been doing so much work lately. I hope it'd pay it all." His face was down, but just a moment i thought I saw a smirk on his face. He looked up at me with his weary eyes and i thought it was just my own imagination.

"Ofcourse, it would. Good work pays a good amount." I exclaimed, assuring him.

"So, shall we have a walk?" He queried. I liked the idea, but i was too tired for a walk, so many things had happened today.

Whatever happened last night, the blood I threw out of my mouth, the conversations i had with Noah; everything was too much for me.

"Maybe, tomorrow? If you've some free time." I hesitated, still trying that he'd not feel bad about it.

"Yeah, sure." He nodded in agreement and i passed a safe smile.



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