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That would be enough for me, if I just get out of that place as soon as I could. Didn't care if I get hurt, i just wanted to make it to my home. Alive.

My eyes searched Coco everywhere all the while, but i was unable to found him.

"Hyy...stop!" I heard him. Yes, it was him. I turned around to look at the person I knew who he could be and there he was standing. I ran and hugged him as tightly as i could. Letting my tears flow, i didn't know i was holding him since when. It was a death experience for me. I'd never been this scared in my life ever.

Every single moment passing and my grip getting more firm and strong. I buried my face in his chest and sobbed hardly. I clutched his shirt with all my strength, not wanting to leave him at any cost.

I felt like I'd die if i even lighten myself against him. And then i sensed his hands, holding me into him. Calming me down, assuring me that I don't have to be scared of anything. Making all my fear turned into serenity. My heartbeat started getting normal and a relief filled me.

"It's okay. You are okay. You're fine." His voice echoed in my ears like melody and making me composed.

I slowly left him, feeling embarrassed and inhibited. "I'm...sorry."

I Heard Coco and before he could say anything i turned to Coco and took him in my hands. "I'm sorry Coco. Where were you? I got scared, you know." I talked. But his barking didn't stop. He barked, looking at him. He always would, whenever he's around us.

'you made him so terrified of you, ghost boy.'

He looked at Coco with his intimidating eyes and he hid his face in my arms, frightened.

"You're a monster. It's not good to make a cute little puppy petrified." I gazed at him but immediately lowered when i thought about a few minutes happened moment.

"Then why didn't you run away from me?" He smirked. Did I tell you he looks like a chocolate when his lips turned into his signature smirk.

I thought not to give him any reply of this question because he was right, when I saw him i didn't feel to run away instead my heart told me to run to him like he was the safest place in this world for me, like nothing could harm me if he's with me.

I walked with Coco to my way to home. If my parents got to know that I wasn't in my room all night they would be worried as no one could ever be.

"Let me walk with you."
'wow....did he really say those words.'
I never expected he would be saying this to me.

I turned around to take a small glance, and all i saw was awkwardness.
I chuckled in my breath and nodded.

"By the way, are you afraid of ghosts?" An unexpected question he threw. Very unexpected. I could have never thought he would ask this question ever.

"Not really." I shrugged.

He laughed sarcastically and pointed his index finger at me and then towards the house. "Then what was that?"

I considered not to tell him what i heard and how I felt there. He would definitely make fun of me and tell me that I'm stupid, Again.

"You're shaking like hell, i thought you've seen some Ghost." He made a ghost face, trying to make me afraid, at the last word.

"Haha... it's not funny." I rolled my eyes, and he just chuckled.

"Thanks, Bye." I said, looking at him. But before i take a step further he held my hand, making me turned to him.

"Here..." He showed his fist at my way and i raised my eyebrow in confusion.

He opened it and there it was, my chain. I immediately grabbed it in my hand "thank God!" I took a sigh of relief.

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