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I was so irritated with all the thoughts of my stupid head. I decided to talk to him.

' call yourself stupid. Just like him.'

Arrghhhh....after having my breakfast, i told mom and dad that I want to go for a walk to lighten my headache. Dad asked me if i wanted his company but i assured him, millionth time, that I'm fine.

Covering myself with the thickest coat i had, since the cold weather was getting more coldest with every minute passing.

"Coco, wait for me here. I'm not taking you with me cause the weather isn't good for you, Okay?" I patted his head and after putting Coco in a blanket, i walked out.

The cold breeze making my face numb. I walked towards the haunted house, and with every step my heartbeat accelerated in my chest.

'you can do it Iliana. He won't eat you, but if he will?!'

I shook with the thought of it but making myself brave, i took my steps forward.

I stopped in front of the haunted house, cause I'd seen him everytime around it, pacing at the place, trying to gather myself for making me go near him.

"Hey sweetie!" I yelled in horror when i heard a whisper in my ear. I turned to look at him and he laughed.

'ohh god...he so much love to scare me.'
i groaned in my head and shoot him a look.

I wanted to talk but my lips were just numb with my whole face. I was trying to move them but they were froze.

"Look at you, freezing! Come." He said and gestured me towards the house.

I looked at him. 'is he concerned about me?'

I turned and met the creepy monster non-living thing, still in daylight it had the urge to look scary and making people shiver under their clothes.

'wanna go in?'

'no...i don't.'

'But you know your state. You're not even able to move your lips. How would you talk to him.'

'fine. God just be with me, please..'
i pleaded, looking at the cloudy sky.

I walked with him, and with every step i took that night scene kept rushing on my mind.

He opened the door and CREAK sound made my teeth chattered. Somehow -- i don't know why -- i was feeling safe, secure whenever my eyes land over him, my heartbeat making itself calm.

We moved in and he closed the --- let me correct, he locked the door!

'why did he lock it?'

'oh gosh Iliana.... don't tell me he's going to eat you!!'

'but why I'm not worried like serious worried. My brain's scared but not my heart, it's calm.'

'wait...did you just accept it...that..!'

"Shut upppppppppp!!!" I screamed as loud as I could, putting my hands on my ears, squeezing my eyes shut.

"What...what okay..?" He stuttered like he thought I just saw a ghost.

'My my my... I'm sure he's concerned about you iliana.'

'no...he don't.'
i groaned mentally and nodded hesitatingly.

"Did you see something?" He asked, halting. I shook my head, feeling all embarrassed.

" can tell me if you..." He paused, like he wasn't wanted to being that much nice but he couldn't stop himself.

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