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I talked to mom, she said they would be able to come tomorrow only.

I explained myself that I could spend a night alone without having any fear but before even committing this decision the noise, coming from downstairs, took away all my fearless thoughts.

I panicked since no one was in the house except me and coco. And we both were sitting here in bed, who would it be then?

The clouds were lighting, ready to say bye to the bright sky. Since it wasn't dark i got a little courage to check out where did the noise come from.

"Coco stay here, okay." I patted him.

He woofed in response. "I guess it's a denial. But don't make any noise."

I clumped the way, terror mounted with every step. I honestly didn't want to shout in my house like they show in the horror movies. Calling the ghost and saying 'who's there!?'

'i mean come on.'

'are these people nuts!'

I took the lamp from the corner table with taking the slow steps to the kitchen. I saw the bowl placed on the counter.

'wait, this is not ours.'

I walked to it and my god the smell of the food was so mouth watering.

'who placed it here?'

'no no no... don't go near that. What if it's a trap for possessing you.'

'but this smells soo good!'

'life is more important or the food? Huhh?'

'obviously life! But food is food you know.'

While having the conversation in head to either go near the bowl or not, a hand on my upper arm made a shiver all over my body.

Before thinking twice, i shrieked and made my move with lamp turning my body back.

"Hyee!!" When a finger touched my lips, I opened my eyes and realised I didn't heard the glass of the lamp smashing.

The man around my age was holding the top of the lamp from his hand, and the other, well you know it.

He had the hazel eyes, black hair and wearing the brown shirt with rolled up sleeves, and the veins of his arms were visible.

"Who are you?" I put the lamp on the table since he wasn't looking dangerous at all. Though he was quite a good looking.

"Chris Parker." He gestured his hand at me.

'Chris Parker. Hmmmm ...Mrs Parker's son? Remember she told you about her son.'

"Mrs. Parker's son?"

"Yeah... right."

"Iliana Cooper." I smiled as we shook our hands.

"I am so sorry. Actually I was alone and i heard something, so I ---" i fidgeted my fingers.

"Ohh it's fine, I understand. Actually I knocked on the door many times but no one was answering, so I just thought if like people inside the house are okay --- by the way mom send this to you, she said you would love it."

"Aww..she is really very nice. Definitely, the smell is so flavourful. Please have a seat." I hesitated. I made a fool of myself again.

'he would be laughing at you when he get back to home.'

'ohh no iliana again and again, you always give chances to people to laugh at you.'

"So you lived out of the town?" Sitting across, i asked.

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