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"I am really glad that you came." Mom passed a sweet smile at Chris, as he was invited for the dinner.

It had been a week, since i met Karisma and found out so unbearable, that my whole world collapsed. I hadn't met Noah, since that very day when I begged him to help me to save my parents and he didn't utter any word.

I was looking like a complete mess, my dark circles were so visible, my skin looked pale and at that time, you would have been horrified by my glance.

I hadn't slept since then, and just by thinking about how helpless i was, i kept crying all day and night. Mom and dad were still quite upset about me, and as you all know about my mother, she had been so stressed out lately. Yeah, i was the reason of her stress. Yeah yeah, i knew i was a bad person.

"Hey." Chris showed her hand, the nervousness was still visible in his eyes. I should've talked to him, but i hadn't been out of my room for the past days.

I gave a small grin, and showed my hand at his direction. He would've been shocked to see me like this, since his expressions showed that too well.

He came near me, standing beside, "are you alright?" He asked in genuine concern.

"Hmm." I nodded.

"I am sorry, if i made you feel uncomfortable, i should probably go then." His brows pulled together, he passed a sad smile when i looked up at him.

'Oh god, Iliana, what the heck are you doing? Don't do that with people who care about you!'

"No, no, i have no problem with you. I apologise if i made you feel sad," my throat was sore, the voice came out hoarse and i almost coughed, "..and for that day, i forgive you. Or i say, i already did a week ago." I curved my lips into a grin.

"Really?" His face lighten up with my words, i chuckled when his Cheshire cat smile came back on his face.

"Yup." I winked, pointing my index finger with a thumbs up.

"Would you mind, if i ask, what's going on with you?" His expressions turned into neutral, as his gaze focused on my face. "You are looking real sick." He added.

"Nope." I shook my head, "yeah, i just have a light fever, that's all." Though it wasn't a complete lie. I had a high fever since past days, but it was reduced now. Anyone could catch a fever, if they lay on the bed, crying, not having a proper meal, their mind working 24/7, all they were, was either anxious or perplexed.
That fever was also the reason why I was relaxed, as a consequence of it, mom and dad had been thinking that my condition was like that because of it.

Though, they had asked a million times, if something else was bothering me, but as always i shook my head in denial.

We took our steps ahead to the dinning table, when mom called out.


I was so done with myself at this point. I couldn't lay down on my bed like this. I had to do something to get somewhere.

'I have to get my shit together, i can't save my family by crying and getting sick.'

'Now you said something smart. You were a mess and i hate being like that.'

'I am sorry, I'll take care of myself now.'

'But i don't know what to do, and how to stop her.'

'I think she's the same creepy lady, I've seen. And now that i know about Noah, he probably lied to me about it all.'

'It wasn't my imagination, it was all true. Should I tell this to Karisma? Maybe she could help me.'

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