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My heart throbbed in my chest so hard that I forgot how to stand on my own feet, my body sank in Noah's grip like it had never known that i had feet too. He held me tight enough that i didn't fall on the ground, but i couldn't believe my ears, what i just heard.

'That's not true. You're dreaming. Wake up, Iliana, wake up.'

'How could you even imagine that, that's Noah and he would never forget you.' my inner conscious passed an hesitant laugh. Perhaps, it already knew that it wasn't a dream. My inner self was just trying to help me to put myself together and thought it through...but i couldn't.

"What are you doing in my house?" His eyes darkened, but his words confirmed all my misunderstandings. It was real. He didn't remember me. He forgot me. Now that he'd been looking me, those soft eyes weren't there anymore, they were turned into suspicious one. It's not like the way he always looked at me. The way his gaze held mine, like he would never ever let me go -- all of it was gone.

Those pancakes that i had in my brunch were ready to come out of my stomach. Panic started attacking on my body as I got all soaked in cold sweat. My voice embedded in my throat, i was unable to form any word. My smile had faded away like my lips never knew how to curve them into one.

Noah's face loosened its roughness before my vision went dark and I lost my consciousness.




The lights felt like niddles, when I tried to open my eyes. I sat up on the bed, rubbing my eyes with my knuckles. I was having a throbbing pain in my head.

"Who are you?" I jumped in my place, at the sudden sound. I didn't realise i wasn't alone. I moved my head to look at the only one i didn't want to look away ever. Noah was sitting next to the bed on the chair. His expressions straight, not a form of softness in them at all.

I recalled the things happened before I fainted, and my heart broke into tiny little pieces i couldn't even gather no matter how hard I would try.

"I-" i didn't know what to say.

'I can't tell him the truth, it'd be too much for him.'

"How do you know my name? How did you come in my house like that?" His voice rising with each question, "And did you bring that for me?" He held the coffee mug in his hand.

'I don't just know you, I've been in love with you I don't even know how long.'

'Because as much as i hate this house, and i hate to admit it, but I like it here. I like this house because I love everything that belongs to you.'

'yes... I've been bringing every kind of food just for you for the past two weeks, in the hope that you'd wake up someday and we'd, finally --- first time in forever -- have something together.'

I wanted to say all of that to him, but not a single word came out.

"Dammit, answer my questions!?" He hurled the mug on the ground, making me flinched with its loud roar. All the coffee dissipated on the clean floor and the rough hit made a visible tiny hole on the wall.

I looked at Noah with horror expressions. First time, from the moment I first saw him, I'd seen him loosing his calmness.

"I-i-" my hammering heart made it more difficult for me to think anything. All the thoughts just vanished in a blink, and i couldn't even gather myself to make a lie. At least at this time.

"Get out!" He pointed his index finger at the door, his eyes pierced through my skin.

"Noah-i-" i had the most shaking voice I'd ever had, while my whole body shivering under the covers.

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